

Study of Effects and Mechanism of Combine Exposure to Welding Fumes and Noise on Hearing

【作者】 陈小霞

【导师】 朱长才;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 劳动卫生与环境卫生学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 一.背景目前,我国职业危害重点仍然是化学毒物、噪声与粉尘等职业有害因素。急慢性职业中毒、噪声性耳聋和尘肺仍是职业卫生工作关注的热点。职业性听力损伤一般是由噪声引起的,但噪声并不是引起职业性听力损伤的惟一因素,接触于某些化学毒物也可引起听力系统的损伤。在各类职业活动中,往往存在噪声和化学毒物的联合接触。近年来,国内外大量实验研究表明噪声和某些化学毒物同时接触可能具有协同作用,能导致较单因素接触时更为严重的听觉系统的损害。在金属构件生产中,焊接与铆接是两个相互关联的操作工序,可产生电焊烟尘和噪声等危害的联合作用。焊接过程产生大量含有锰、铁、铜及锌等各种金属气溶胶和臭氧、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氮氧化物等有害气体;铆接工艺中的展开放样、下料、加工成型和连接装配等过程能产生强烈的机械性噪声。单纯电焊烟尘或噪声接触可造成作业工人的健康危害,二者同时接触可能存在协同作用,加重作业工人的健康危害,尤其是听觉系统。二.目的1.了解金属构件企业的职业危害状况及防护措施,特别关注电焊作业过程中产生锰烟、锰尘的浓度和金属加工、铆接等过程产生噪声的强度。2.了解作业工人职业有害因素的接触时间、接触机会、接触方式等,以及个人防护情况。3.评价电焊烟尘与噪声联合接触致作业工人听力损伤程度和特征,并探讨联合作用致听力损伤的部分机理。4.根据金属构件企业存在的职业危害因素和作业工人的健康损害特征,提出具体的职业危害预防控制建议。三.方法选择某钢铁企业金属构件厂装配、容器车间的65名焊接、铆接作业工人为电焊烟尘与噪声联合接触组,简称联合组;选择同企业能源厂锅炉车间59名工人为单纯噪声接触组,简称噪声组;选择同企业能源厂无职业危害因素接触的55名外线电工为对照组。三组研究对象的年龄、工龄、性别、生活习惯等特征均匹配。现场职业卫生基本情况调查,运用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定联合组作业场所空气锰浓度,运用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定噪声组和对照组作业环境空气锰浓度,使用QUEST-400噪声检测仪测定三组作业环境的噪声强度。对作业工人进行一般情况调查和健康检查;使用已校正MADSEN 622-型听力诊断计(丹麦)测试工人纯音气导听阈,并对检查结果进行年龄修正(根据声学耳科正常人的气导听

【Abstract】 Ⅰ.BackgroundAt present, chemicals, noise and dusts still are main occupational hazards in workplaces. Occupational health conservationists’main concerns still are chronic or acute poisoning and hearing loss induced by noise. Occupational hearing loss often was attributing to noise exposure, but noise wasn’t the only hearing hazard. Certain chemicals in the workplaces could damage the hair cells in the inner ear just like noise. Even some chemicals were synergistic with noise exposure. The impact of combined exposure could do greater damage than exposure to either hazard alone. Many domestic and foreign laboratory studies could confirm the synergistic effects of exposure to noise and chemicals on hearing.Welding and riveting are two associated operation procedures in the production process of structural metallic materials. There might exist welding fumes, riveting noise and other occupational hazards, which can synergistically damage workers’health. The welding fumes emitting from welding process contains a mixture of some metal aerosol and toxic gases, which includes of manganese, iron, zinc, nitric oxides, carbon monoxide and ozone, etc. Riveting process produces intense noise. There might be a synergistic interaction combined exposure to welding fumes and riveting noise, which would pose more serious health hazards on workers’body, especially on auditory system.Ⅱ.Objective1. To investigate occupational hazards and health preventive measures in workplaces of steel plants, especially pay more attention to concentrations of air manganese and intensity of noise produced in riveting.2. To investigate workers’exposure-time, exposure routes and exposure style of occupational hazards in workplaces and personal protective measures.3. To evaluate the potential effects of combined exposure to welding fumes and riveting noise on hearing, explore parts of possible mechanisms of combined exposure action.4. According to occupational hazards existing in workplaces and health impairment symptoms of workers, we can make some effectively preventable measures.Ⅲ.MethodThe study group was consisted of 65 workers chronically exposure to welding fumes and riveting noise in some Steel plant. Another 59 boilermakers from the same plant were chose as the noise exposure group. The control group was consisted of 55 unexposed healthy electricians. We compared age, exposure-time, sex, life styles among the three groups, and there were no

  • 【分类号】R131
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】277

