

Evaluation on Characters of Temperature Insensitivity and Analysis on Genetic Diversity in American Rice

【作者】 钟秉强

【导师】 何光华;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 重庆地区的恢复系遗传背景相对单一,且高温多雾低光照的夏季气候对水稻生产极为不利,导致重庆地区的水稻品质整体表现较差;美国稻具有米质优、耐肥抗倒性强、成穗率极高、对高光强的适应性强、米质对温度钝感等优点,同时,美国稻对籼稻和粳稻都有一定的亲和性。所以我们新引进33份美国稻资源,通过分期播种方法评价其对温度钝感性状,利用野败型不育系缙1A对其恢保关系进行了测定,利用SSR分子标记分析了美国稻与我国骨干恢复系和保持系间的遗传多样性,希望筛选出适宜类似重庆高温的优良亲本材料,为重庆等生态区的优良“三系”选配和优质、高产新品种的选育奠定基础。结果如下: 1.温度钝感性评价 对33份美国稻品种的农艺性状和品质性状的钝感值与13份国内水稻材料的钝感值进行评价,并将其中表现最为钝感的14份优质品种与国内5份相对较钝感的材料作品质性状进行对比。研究结果表明:美国水稻品种在垩白率、糙米率、精米率上表现钝感,垩白率尤其钝感,筛选出C94-303,Lemnot,SB01-1692,SB01-1534,C96-722,Katy,SB01-1530,SB01-5529,C93-134,Maybelle,Kaybonnet,SB01-1536,C94-416,C93-143-1对温度表现钝感最好的品种。 2.恢保能力测定 利用野败型不育系缙1A对33份美国稻的恢保关系进行了测定,观测了F1的小穗育性。结果表明:在美国稻种中存在着对野败雄性不育育性恢复程度不同的品种,鉴定出了2份具有高恢复力的材料,Urn071(84.53%)和C93-145(73.19%);6份具有保持能力的材料,C94-303(0.00%)、25079-80(0.46%)、C93-143(0.62%)、SB01-1536(2.36%)、25127-128(3.05%)和C96-718(3.34%)。这些材料可为在重庆选育优良“三系”杂交稻亲本提供优良资源。 3.遗传多样性分析 从88对平均分布于水稻12条染色体的SSR引物中筛选出24对用于33份美国稻和13份中国稻的多态性分析,24对引物在46份材料中共检测到189条带,其中多态性带177条,多态率高达93.65%。UPGMA聚类分析把46份材料分为两大类,28份美国稻组成Ⅰ类,另5份美国稻与13份中国稻组成Ⅱ类:Ⅱ类中,美国稻与中国稻分别聚为Ⅱ-1和Ⅱ-2两个

【Abstract】 In general, the rice showed relatively worser quality in Chongqing, because of the simple genetic diversity of restoring lines and disadvantageous condition of climate such as high temperature, excessive fog and lower intensity of illumination. American rice took on a series of advantageous characters in quality, ability of tolerance for fertilizer, resistance to lodge, effective spike ratio, adaptability to strong illumilation, insensitive against temperature, cross-compatibility to both Indica rice and Japonica rice. In this research, we introduced into 33 American rice, evaluated the insensitive against temperature in serial seedtime, and determined the relationship of restoring and retaining lines by crossing with Jin 1A (WA type CMS line). We analyzed the genetic diversity among the America rice and China rice, obtained excellent parents adapting to the condition of high temperature climate such as Chongqing, and laid a foundation of breeding the variety of fine quality and high yield.1. Evaluation on temperature insensitivity in the American rice and Chinese riceWe have evaluated the IV (insensitivity value) of characters of agronomy and quality in between 33 American and 13 Chinese rice breeds, and contrasted the quality characters in between the most insensitive 14 American and 5 Chinese rice breeds. The results show that these American rice breeds are insensitive in the rate of chalk, brown rice and head rice, especially in chalk rate. And basing on the results we have selected 14 American rice which are the most insensitive against temperature such as C94-403, Lemont, SB01-1692, SB01-1534, C96-722, Katy, SB01-1530, SB01-5529, C93-134, Maybelle, Kaybonnet, SB01-1536, C94-416, and C93-143-1.2. Identification on ability of restoring and maintaining in the American riceF1 fertility of crosses between 33 varieties collected from America and Jin 1A (WA type CMS line) was tested. The results show the differences in fertility restoring degree are present in rice in

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【下载频次】89

