

Positive Switching Impulse Flashover Performance and Voltage Correction of Rod-Plane Air Gaps at Lower Atmospheric Pressure

【作者】 王军

【导师】 蒋兴良;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 空气间隙操作冲击特性对外绝缘设计有重要参考价值。在我国西电东送的大环境下,建设高海拔超特高压输电线路必然要面临复杂大气环境下的外绝缘设计和施工。本文在查阅国内外有关研究状况的基础上,利用重庆大学高电压与电工新技术教育部重点实验室的大型多功能人工气候室对低气压条件下棒-板空气间隙正极性操作冲击放电特性及电压校正进行了研究,并选择多个高海拔现场进行试验比对。本文主要进行了以下研究工作:(1)在大型多功能人工气候室模拟低气压条件,选择500、1000、1500mm长度的棒-板空气间隙进行正极性操作冲击放电试验,对其放电特性、电压校正方法进行研究;(2)选择1000mm长度棒-板空气间隙进行湿度对正极性操作冲击放电影响的试验,对不同气压条件下湿度对其放电特性、50%放电电压的影响进行研究;(3)在人工气候室模拟低气压试验研究的基础上,提出基于相对气压和基于g参数法的空气间隙放电电压大气校正方法;(4)进行高海拔现场棒-板空气间隙正极性操作冲击放电试验,对新的校正方法进行校验和比较,就湿度对空气间隙放电的影响和机理进行探讨。通过人工气候室试验和现场试验本文得出以下结论:(1)相对气压校正方法未考虑湿度的附加影响,气压越低,湿度对放电的作用越显著,其校正误差越大。在相对气压校正方法的基础上,引入湿度附加影响参数,能准确地反映湿度在棒-板空气间隙放电过程中的作用,50%放电电压是考虑绝对湿度附加影响后相对气压的幂函数;(2)在温湿度范围偏离标准参考大气条件较小的条件下,采用基于g参数的校正方法可以适用于海拔超过2000m的地区,但在温湿度范围偏离标准参考大气条件较大时,其误差较大;(3)利用大型人工气候室模拟低气压条件下棒-板空气间隙放电试验得到的校正公式能够反映大气参数对间隙放电的影响,所得结论适用于高海拔现场条件;(4)在不同的气压条件下绝对湿度的增加会提高棒-板空气间隙的50%放电电压,但其存在饱和特性,在不同气压下,其饱和趋势及程度不同;(5)湿度的增加提高了流注的初始场强,减小了流注的发展时间,击穿时间缩短,放电电压提高;湿度进一步增加,击穿时间继续减小,放电电压则降低。

【Abstract】 Switching impulse flashover performance in the air gap is very important to external insulation design. In the stratagem of the power transmission from the west to the east in China, designing and constructing UHV or EHV overhead transmission lines must get across in these complex climate western areas of high altitudes. Refering to abundant inland and oversea data and using the large scale artificial climate chamber of the Key Laboratory of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical New Technology of The Education Ministry in Chongqing University,this essay carries a series of experimentations of positive switching impuls flashover performance and correction in the rod-plane air gap under lower atmospheric pressure and compares with real spot. The main research of this dissertation are as followed:(1) Carrying the test of positive switching impulse flashover in the rod-plane air gap of the 500, 1000 mm and 1500 mm three kinds of length in the artificial climate chamber under lower atmospheric pressure, the flashover performance and 50% flashover voltage correction methods are researched.(2) Choosing the rod-plane air gap of 1000mm length, The influences of humidity to flashover performance and 50% flashover voltage under positive switching impulse are researched in different lower atmospheric pressure.(3) Based on research in the artificial climate chamber, new correction motheds are put forward according to P/P0 and g parameter mothed.(4) Testing in high altitude area spots and comparing the results from the artificial climate chamber. Researching the influence of humidity in rod-plane air gap flashover according to the results in high altitude area and the artificial climate chamber.Through simulating and spot tests, the main conclusion of the analyze results are as follows:(1) The deviation increases adopting the correction mothed of P/P0 at lower atmospheric pressure derived from humidity and it has a bigger error the pressure lower. Considering the additional influence of the absolute humidity, the 50% flashover voltages are more exact than before.(2) The results of g parameter correction method is suitable above altitude 2000m when environmental parameters are close to the standard reference conditions. Its error increases when temperature and humidity deviate more from the standard reference

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TM85
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】266

