

A Research on the Revegetation Solving the Gangue Hills in Chongqing

【作者】 郭秀荣

【导师】 刘东燕;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 岩土工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 煤矸石是煤炭工业在采煤和洗选加工过程中产生的废弃物。目前一部分矸石被用于井下充填,而大部分矸石则被运输到地面堆积,形成矸石山。矸石山造成的直接后果是掩埋了大量土地,同时,矸石山渗漏液会引起水污染,矸石山粉尘以及矸石山的自燃会引起空气污染,裸露矸石山还会影响视觉污染,矸石山塌落危及人民的生命财产安全。故对矸石山的综合防治显得尤为紧迫。首先,本文对重庆地区矸石山的情况进行了介绍,并对其存在的问题进行了简单分析,找出急需解决的几个问题。其次,选取典型的观测点,通过对比分析植被覆盖和裸露的矸石山的气温、土温、风速、相对湿度,从而比较全面的了解植被覆盖对矸石山小环境气候的影响。然后,通过以空间代替时间的做法,分析不同年限矸石山的土壤物理性质以及不同年限矸石山的植被盖度、密度和生物量,从而发现不同年限矸石山的土壤物理性变化规律以及自然生长植被状况规律,为矸石山植被覆盖恢复设计做理论指导。最后,本文探讨了植被覆盖对坡体有降低雨水溅蚀、减小地面径流的水文效应;通过对有根系深入的矸石山有机质风化层土体进行分析,发现根系对土体有加筋的力学效应。通过分析比较天然状况和饱和状况下的未风化矸石山与植被覆盖矸石山的浅层以及深层稳定性系数,比较坡面径流状况下未风化矸石块与根系缠绕的矸石块稳定性系数,从而得出植被覆盖对矸石山稳定性的影响规律。本课题得到重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局关于《重庆市煤矿采区生态环境恢复治理及综合开发利用研究项目》的资助。

【Abstract】 Coal gangue in mine is the wash coal that is produced during the course of cutting and seperating wash in coal industry. At present some waste rocks are used in the pit filling in underground coal mining district, but most waste rocks are transported to ground surface for pilling up, formming the waste coal gangue hills. Thus a large amount of lands are buried directly. Meanwhile, waste coal hills’seepage liquid can cause water pollution. The dust and spontaneous combustion from waste coal hills can do air pollution.The naked waste coal hills can do visual pollution.The waste coal hills slump threatens the security of the people’s lives and properties. So it’s particularly urgent to control the hills comprehensively.Firstly, the paper introduces the situation of the gangue hills in Chongqing. Analyseing those problems simply, and find some important problems to be sovled instantly.Secondly,choosing typical observation points. By comparing and analysing the temperature, soil temperature, wind speed, relative humidity of vegetation covering and uncovered waste hills, more overall understanding about the little environmental climate which is impacted by vegetation covering on waste hills can be given.Moreover, through the method of substitute time with space, by analysing the soil physical property of, and by comparing the amount of cover degree, cover density and living beings in, the law of state which the vegetation grows naturally in different time of waste coal hills is revealed. And the law can be used theoretically to direct how to recover and resume the waste coal hills.Finally, what the covering can prevent sputter and prevent overland runoff is introduced in the paper . It finds the root system can reinforce the soil body.Under the condition of rain, studying the typically selected waste hill’s stability coefficient under the imagined vegetation and uncovers, a corresponding conclusioncan be drawn on how the vegetation and uncovers impact the waste hills’stability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TD88
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】325

