

Dual Mode Mobile Locating Technology Based on GPS/GSM Research and Realize

【作者】 张鹤高

【导师】 李祥;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,定位技术得到了快速的发展,特别是基于GPS的定位技术得到普遍的应用,出现了很多成熟的车载导航产品。但随着社会的发展,企业管理模式的进步,人们对定位应用的需求正发生着巨大的变化,由传统的车载导航发展到人用,物用的便携式无线监控的新型位置服务。通过与其他手持终端例如智能手机,PDA等的整合,应用领域也有原来的交通导航逐步向物流,考勤,基于位置的信息检索等大众化应用领域发展。 本文讨论的定位系统是由GIS系统,定位终端,中心定位服务器等系统组成的一个行业和个人用户定位的解决方案。通过这个系统,用户可以通过手机,电脑终端,PDA,网站,IVR等方式来获得定位终端的位置,以及该终端附近的相关位置信息。这些信息的提供将会给家庭,个人生活,企业资源管理和决策带来极大的便利。 本文讨论了GPS,GSM网络以及基于GSM定位的基本原理。实现了一个基于GPS/GSM的双模定位系统。本系统主要依靠联通GSM网络,通过联通的全网短信号来接收和发送短消息,数据通信采用短消息和GPRS的方式来进行。通过对定位终端发送各种短信命令来对定位终端进行控制和定位。定位服务器在LINUX平台下开发,集成了短信网关,GIS系统等功能模块。关键技术和我们所完成的工作如下: 1.完成与联通公司短信网关的连接,实现SGIP协议,可以利用联通公司提供的全网短信号码来收发短信,计费等。 2.讨论了定位终端的功能接口和基本结构。系统可以通过发送短信命令来提取定位器的GPS/GSM数据完成定位,也可以发送短信来对定位终端进行控制和功能设置。 3.系统和GIS系统的连接。利用GIS系统提供的XML接口,在GIS系统中取出相应的地图或者地点的描述信息。为了提高GIS系统的利用率,实现对GIS系统的并发访问。 4.实现了与行业控制中心的接口。行业控制终端可以通过定义好的接口来向定位系统请求位置服务。定位系统完成终端的身份验证,一次请求过程的控制,以及用户的连接超时等管理。 5.数据备份及计算服务器的实现。实现了在定位终端无GPS信号时的定位。当定位服务器收到的定位终端的答复中只有GSM信号,此时交给此服务器完成定位及数据备份。此服务器的定位过程主要完成了NMR数据的分析以及跟模型库中大量数据模型的匹配。 6.接受处理来自手机用户的请求。根据手机发送过来的短信命令内容,定位系统在获得了所请求的定位终端的经纬度后向GIS系统请求具体位置的描述,然后将文字信息反馈给手机用户。 7.一个并发服务器的设计和实现。解决各个线程之间的分工,以及共享数据的同步和互斥处理。 本文设计的目的是给各行业和个人提供一个位置服务的平台,为用户提供多种途径的位置服务。 本系统已经与中国联通总公司在全国范围内运营,论文工作期间,作者已在《电脑与信息技术》上发表论文一篇。

【Abstract】 At present, The localization technology obtained the fast development, Specially obtains the universal application based on the GPS localization technology, Appeared kinds of mature navigation product vehicle carried . However, along with society’s development, Business management pattern ’s progress, people’s demand for locating application are occurring the huge change. From the traditional vehicle device develop to portable wireless device used in man and thing, Through the combination with the other intelligence handset such as PDA, intelligence phone and so on, The application fields developed gradually to freight .check on work attendance, information service based on location service from vehicle navigation.The locating system discussed in this paper is industry and user localization solution composed of GIS, locating terminal, and LBS center server. Through the system user can get the location information by mobile phone, PDA, computer , website, AVR and so on. This information will bring enormous convenience to family, personal life, Enterprise resource management and decision.This article discussed GPS, the GSM network as well as the basic principle based on the GSM localization and actualized one positioning system based on GPS/GSM positioning system. This system mainly depend on China Unicom GSM network, through the whole network SMS code provided by China Unicom receives and transmits the SMS, The data communication uses the SMS and GPRS carries on. Control and locating terminal by sending each kind of SMS instruction to locate terminal. LBS server develops under the LINUX platform, Integrated the SMS gateway, GIS system and so on. The essential technology and the work we completed as follows:1. Complete the China Unicom SMS entry protocol, send, receive SMS by SMS center code. And count fee.2. Discussed the functional interface and basic structure of locating terminal. The system can complete the locating and control by sending SMS instruction to locator and get GPS/GSM data.3. The connection LBS system with GIS system. Using XML connection interface provided by GIS system, Get the corresponding map or the location description information in the GIS system. In order to enhance the efficiency of GIS system, completed the GIS system concurrent visit.4. Complete the connection to industry monitor software, complete the connection interface. With this interface ,the industry monitor software can access the LBS server getting location information. The LBS system manage the authentication of the industry monitor software, the control of one request process, and the timeout of client connection.5. Complement of calculation and data backup server. Complete the locating with no GPS data. When the answer from locate terminal have GSM parameters only, then this server complete the calculation and data backup. The server mainly completed the NMR data analysis as well as the model matching in the massive data model in database.

【关键词】 GPS位置服务地理信息系统网络测试报告短信网关
【Key words】 GPSLBSGISNMRSMS gateway
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】TN929.532
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】422

