

【作者】 曹渝平

【导师】 尹光辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对四川石油物探公司组织、体制、管理中一系列问题的研究,基本揭示了物探公司现今公司治理的问题根源,尤其从治理结构方面所引发出来的人、财、物的问题,却也颇有心得,“事企混合”运行妨碍了物探公司对市场的适应能力,也就可能失去诸多商机。随着市场经济的进一步推进,四川物探公司不能、也不可能按照现行模式长期运行,企业化、市场化是其必然趋势,与其如此,还不如现在就按现代企业制度的运模式运行,因此笔者提出了物探公司创新公司治理结构的构想与愿景,并从公司管理体制、组织安排、人财物优化配置、管理理念、创新公司文化等方面进行了完善与创新。作为物探公司的一份子,也不能不作此构想,愿这种构想能变为现实。

【Abstract】 The researching of SCGC organization, system, management and related things basically illustrates the problems in person, wealth and properties during company reform. The company structure model: "mixture of matter and company" is blocking SCGC to explore and fit the market. Furthermore many opportunities in business will be lost. Alone with the market economy going on, SCGC must give up nowadays company structure model to achieve the business enterprise turn and the market turn aims. Therefore the writer advises SCGC to select the modern business enterprise system to run now and puts forward the speculation and vision in how to explore a creative company and its manage structure, especially in management system, organization arrangement, person’s wealth and properties from the company excellent turn to install, management principle, the creative company cultural…etc. As a member of SCGC I hope this speculation will come true.

【关键词】 公司治理问题对策
【Key words】 CompanyManagementProblemsCountermeasure
  • 【分类号】F426.22
  • 【下载频次】101

