

A Survey of the Problem Behavior of Senior Middle School Boarding Students from the Countryside and the Related Countermeasure

【作者】 肖俊辉

【导师】 戴海崎;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 城镇高级中学里来自农村的那一批批高中寄宿生,是值得当今社会关注的一个学生群体。他们需要置身于学校宿舍这样一个相对特殊的环境中走过高中三年平凡而又不乏艰辛的求学历程,必然会面临诸多问题和困难,由此调整或处理不当则容易导致在不少寄宿生身上诱发一些学习问题行为。笔者以江西省德兴铜矿中学的寄宿生作为研究对象,经过观察,访谈与调查,发现寄宿生在高中学习成长的不同阶段由于寄宿而助长产生学习方面的种种心理问题与现象,并以此剖析其学习问题行为成因,本着以人为本的教育思想,提出了“群策群力,构建和谐宿舍”的寄宿生生活模式设想,以期构建有利于促进寄宿生身心和谐发展的宿舍环境,帮助他们更加顺利地完成高中学业。 本研究的主要结论如下: 1、城镇高中寄宿生数量激增是我国基础教育高级阶段教育规模扩张的必然结果。随着高中生寄宿现象的日益凸显,寄宿生的学业生活环境需要更加引起关注,他们在高中不同阶段普遍存在的一些学习问题行为必然对其学业状况产生深刻影响。 2、高中寄宿生由于寄宿而助长产生的种种学习方面的问题行为,寻根究底,宿舍管理中存在的问题,宿舍集体生活环境的不良影响,家庭方面的消极因素以及学生自身的认知误区等是其主要诱因。 3、寄宿生在宿舍学习生活中既有针对物质生活条件的正常需求,必须满足他们在学习,通讯交往以及衣食住行等方面的合理需求;更有学习成长过程中的心理疏导方面的需求,他们的心理负担乃至心理障碍必须及时予以缓解和疏导。 4、寄宿生在宿舍生活中既要矢志不移成就学业,也要努力锻炼生活自理能力和培养社会主义集体责任感。这就需要寄宿生与学校积极配合,上下一致,只有“群策群力,构建和谐宿舍”,才能更有效地促进寄宿生求知强能,形成良好的社会主义道德素养。

【Abstract】 Content: Living in the senior middle school dormitories are mostly the boarding students from the countryside, who need to take three years of hard-working to pursue their studies. And staying in such a relatively special environment, boarding students have to learn to face up to a good many problems and difficulties, otherwise it is quite easy for them to bring about some problem behavior of studies. Having the boarding students in Dexing Copper Mine Middle School as a case, the author adopts surveys, interviews and a questionnaire as his research patterns, which help to discover all sorts of problems with the boarding students of different grades and try to analyze the likely causes of them. In line with the thought of humanist education, the present article tries to propose an idea of "Pooling the wisdom and efforts of everyone so as to establish a harmonious dormitory" in order that a comfortable and instructive residential environment can contribute to the boarding students’ physical and mental health, leading to going on smoothly with their studies.The main results of research are as follows:Ⅰ. There has been a steep rise in the number of boarding students due to the greatly-increased enrollment in senior middle schools. With the development, we need to pay more attention to relevant problems with the boarding students, as some problem behavior of the students in different grades will surely bring in some bad effect on their studies.Ⅱ. The causes of the boarding students’ problem behavior lie in problems with the dormitory management, negative influence of the residential environment, the difficult family background and the misunderstandings of the students themselves.Ⅲ. The boarding students have to be satisfied with not only the material prerequisites for their studies, communication as well as basic necessities of life, but also some relief from their psychological burden, both of which are beneficial to the developing of their mental and physical health.Ⅳ. The boarding students shall pledge to devote themselves to their studies, learn to take care of themselves and above all foster the socialist collective sense of

  • 【分类号】G632.0
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】392

