

The Study on Strategies of Enhancing the Information Literacy of Teachers in University

【作者】 邹扬德

【导师】 项国雄;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,由于现代信息技术的深入发展和广泛应用,整个人类社会日益发展成为一个数字化、信息化的社会。信息日益成为社会各领域中最活跃、最具有决定意义的因素,信息素养已成为信息社会文明人应该具有的一种基本素养,信息素养的高低成为评价人才综合素质的一项重要指标。现代人要想成为出色的终身学习者和未来合格的劳动者,就必须使其成为一个有信息素养的人。高校教师肩负着培养下一代接班人的重任,因此他们的信息素养显得尤为重要。 在信息化的教育环境下,当前教师的信息素养水平和教学需要之间产生了矛盾。因此,提升高校教师信息素养便成为本文研究的初衷。本文除了摘要、引言及结论外,主要分了五个章节/部分。第一章为绪论,主要针对该论文选题作了一些论证,回答了国内外研究现状、选题的原因与意义以及研究的内容和方法等问题;第二章为信息素养概念的界定,并重新定义了教师信息素养;第三章论述了教育信息化环境下教师的作用;第四章通过调查分析了高校教师信息素养现状;第五章为高校教师信息素养的提升的原则;第六章为高校教师信息素养的提升策略,也是本论文研究的重点所在,并对教师信息素养的评价作了初步尝试。

【Abstract】 Content: At present, due to the further development and extensive application of modern information technology, the human society is becoming more and more digital and informational. Increasingly, the information has become a basic literacy that the literates should possess in the information society. The level of the information literacy has been targeted for evaluating the total quality of a talent. In order to become excellent lifelong learners and labors in the future, we must have information literacy. As the teaching of the following, the teachers in university must have higher information literacy.According, there has come to be contradiction between the level of information literacy of teachers and teaching requirement in the informational teaching environment. So how to promote the level of teacher’s information literacy has been an issue. This is just the original intention of this thesis. There are five main parts in this thesis besides the Abstract, Foreword and Epilogue. Chapter one is the Exordium. In this part, we mainly argue the importance of this research. Some important questions such as the analysis of global existing research fruit, the reason for this research, the content of this research etc. are all answered in this chapter. Chapter two is about the definition of information literacy, redefine the literacy of teachers. Chapter three is about the role of teachers in the environment of educational information. In the fourth chapter we analyze the modern status of teachers’ literacy by survey. Chapter five tells the principle of information literacy promotion; Chapter six gives strategies of information literacy promotion; also it is the most important part of this study, and tries evaluating the teachers’ literacy.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1124

