

【作者】 彭劲荣

【导师】 徐静村;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事诉讼是公安司法机关在当事人和其他诉讼参与人的参加下,依照法律规定的程序,解决被追诉者刑事责任的活动。刑事诉讼伴随着强制措施和强制性调查措施的运用,不仅涉及被追诉者的人身自由、人格尊严、财产等基本权利,而且涉及其他诉讼参与人的权利。刑事诉讼追究刑事责任的过程,对于公民权利来说具有“侵犯性”,加之我国公安司法机关的各种陈弊和现实问题,我国的刑事诉讼过程仍然是问题丛生。从近期媒体披露的几起已经引起中央司法机关重视的冤案来看,侦查阶段的程序性违法问题确实较为严重,影响恶劣,危害巨大。为此,本文以几起典型的冤案为出发点,分析我国刑事侦查过程中存在的各种程序性违法现象,解读其产生的原因和背景,并就如何预防和纠正此类违法问题作简要探索。 本文共分五部分,由引言和四个小部分组成。 引言部分简要介绍了三起典型的冤案,包括杜培武案,佘祥林案,胥敬祥案,并得出初步结论:侦查阶段的程序性违法问题不仅不利于查明案件事实真相,而且严重侵犯当事人的合法权益,并且造成的错误难以在后续阶段得到有效的纠正。 第一部分,侦查阶段程序性违法综述。这部分首先就程序性违法的含义、性质和特征进行了简要的分析,指出程序性违法是与实体性违法相对的一种独立的形态。接着,就我国现在刑事侦查中的典型程序性违法问题进行了归纳,指出主要存在以下几类程序性违法问题:(1)留置盘问前置主义,利用行政强制措施办理刑事案件,延长控制被追诉者的时间;(2)违反法律规定的程序立案,违背立案的立法初衷;(3)违反法定程序获取口头证据,刑讯现象时有发生,严重侵犯当事人的合法权益;(4)违反法定程序获取实物证据,搜查、扣押等侦查行为不规范;(5)违反法定程序保全被追诉者人身,超期羁押、非法羁押现象仍然存在;(6)违反法律规定限制或者剥夺被追诉者辩护权,严重扭曲控辩双方的对抗关系。 第二部分,侦查阶段程序性违法问题的原因分析。对于第一部分总结的违法问题,本部分着重从法律制度内和法律制度外两个领域分析了原因。并且指出,法律制度的缺陷是根本性的,主要在于:(1)现代刑事诉讼原则未能明确确立或体现在刑事诉讼立法之中;(2)立法技术粗糙,侦查程序过于粗疏,缺乏人权保障价值;(3)侦查程序规则结构不完整,缺乏法

【Abstract】 Chinese criminal procedure aims to resolve the defendant’s criminal responsibility. This process always takes coercive measures and methods, involving proceeding participants’ rights, such as freedom, personality and property. So for citizen’s rights, this process is apt to infringe. In Chinese criminal practice, there exist many traditional problems, plus some limitation of factual situation, procedural violation of law is a bit popular. Recently, several wrong cases were exposed in newspaper, which have brought big attention from both government and people. The author feels indignant about these miscarriages of justice, and wants to resolve the problems of procedural violation of law.This dissertation consists of a preface and four parts.The preface firstly indicates the research object of this paper, and then introduces three miscarried cases that have influenced the whole society heavily. In the last passage, it concludes that the lawbreaking investigation often keeps the facts away, and infringes people’s rights.The first part firstly introduces the concept of procedural violation of law, involving its signification, character and characteristics. Then this part sums up six kinds of typical procedural violation of law: (1) detain the suspect in criminal investigation with an administrative measure in order to prolong time for the case; (2) file a criminal case in illegal way; (3) obtain the oral evidence in illegal ways; (4) obtain material evidence in illegal ways; (5) arrest and keep suspect’s body in illegal ways; (6)limit or deprive of defendant’s rights of defending.The second part analyzes the reasons for these lawbreaking acts as follows. First of all, the relevant law articles are not perfect: (1) many modern investigational principles haven’t been written into the Criminal Procedure Act; (2) some current articles are too simple, lack of vital value; (3) some articles themselves are not whole, lack of restriction power, (4) some articles go against the practical principle; (5) some current measures which have been taken in investigation haven’t been written into the Law. Second, some other factors influence the investigation: (1) the traditional concept attaches too much importance to the Law’s function of punishment; (2) some investigational policies

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】347

