

【作者】 李细平

【导师】 王洪;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 亲权是大陆法系国家处理亲子关系问题的核心制度,但是我国法律中并没有亲权制度的系统规定,因此不存在亲权的法定概念,笔者认为亲权是法律为了保证父母有效地履行管教和保护未成年子女的义务,而赋予父母专属性的对未成年子女在人身和财产方面的管教与保护的权利。亲权和监护是两种不同的制度,监护是亲权的补充,我国应借鉴各国立法经验,立足本国国情,建立既继承孝慈传统,又适应平等精神,既能保护子女之权利,又不伤父母之心的亲权制度。 第一部分,亲权概述。本部分主要阐述有关亲权的基本理论问题。亲权的本质是权利,并非义务,是为了保障亲权人义务的履行而赋予亲权人的权利。亲权和监护都为保护无行为能力或限制行为能力人而设,但亲权和监护是两个不同的制度,就未成年人利益保护而言,监护是亲权的补充,在父母死亡或不能行使亲权的情况下,才有监护制度存在的必要,即亲权在,无监护。 第二部分,亲权制度的比较研究。本部分通过对罗马法、大陆法系国家、英美法系国家亲权制度的比较研究为我国亲权制度的建立提供借鉴。通过对亲权制度几种典型立法例的比较研究,可以得出以下结论:各国采取什么样的方式规定亲权制度,取决于各国的法律文化传统,我们在借鉴他国经验设计亲权制度时要考虑我国法律文化传统,国情民情的适应性。我国应采用大陆法系国家亲权和监护分别立法的模式,突出亲权的特殊性、优先性,使法律的价值取向与大众的伦理观念相一致。 第三部分,关于在我国建立亲权制度的研究。本部分的研究主要包括以下几个方面:在我国建立亲权制度的必要性、在我国建立亲权制度应遵循的原则、亲权制度的内容。 亲子关系是每个人与生俱来的关系,解决亲子关系中所遇到的各种问题,非亲权制度莫属。从历史传统看,我国是一个讲伦理、重孝慈,恤老幼的国度。从现实需要看,我国正处于一个剧烈变革的时代,社会进步日新月异,市场经济、知识经济、民主政治,都不可避免地对家庭产生着影响,使亲子关系中的矛盾和冲突越来越复杂突出,司法实践中涉及亲子关系的案例也不断出现。确立亲权制度,把监护制度和亲权制度分开规定,有利于完善民事立法的科学性,适应社会客观现实的要求,维护未成年人

【Abstract】 Parental authority is the core of the legal system which deals with relationships between parents and children in the countries of continental law, but in fact there aren’t any systematical regulations on parental authority in the law of our country. So the legal concept of parental authority does not exist. The writer thinks parental authority is the exclusive legal right given to parents to discipline and protect their children regarding their person and property, in order to assure that the parents can discipline and protect their minor children effectively. Parental authority and guardianship are two different kinds of systems. Guardianship is the complement of parental authority. Our country should learn from legislation experiences of different countries. We shall adapt good laws from other country, at the same time; we shall base our legislations on the particular situation of our own country. We shall maintain our tradition of filial piety, meanwhile adapt the parental authority system based on spirit of individual equality, therefore we can have a parental authority legal system which protect the children’s right and not hurting the parents’ emotion at the same time.The first part: summary of parental authority. This part is about fundamental theoretical questions on parental authority. The nature of parental rights is right instead of obligation. It is a legal right given to parents in order that they can perform their obligation effectively. The goal of the Parental authority and guardianship are both established for the protection of minor children who have no capacity o limited capacity for civil behavior. However, parental authority and guardianship is two different systems, for the angel of protection of minor’s rights, the guardianship is the complement of the parental authority. Only under the circumstance that parents die or they are a live but can’t exercise parental rights, guardianship system become a necessity, when parental rights is in force, there is no guardianshipThe second part focuses on comparative studies of the systems of the parents’ authority. In this part, we study the systems of parental authority of Roman law, continental law and common law countries, and then we can

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】560

