

【作者】 丁艳君

【导师】 沈萍;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国物业管理迅速发展,物业管理的纠纷也大量出现,成为媒体与公众关注的焦点。《物业管理条例》的出台和实施对规范物业管理,减少纠纷起到了重要的作用,但目前法律法规仍不健全,物业管理中还存在许多法律问题亟待解决。本文侧重对物业管理三个方面的法律问题进行研究,首先从建筑物区分所有权理论入手讨论物业的权属问题,并结合当前实际界定了小区屋顶平台、停车位和窗前绿地的归属和管理。其次探讨了我国物业管理中专项维修资金管理中所存在的问题,借鉴国内外立法和实践经验,提出了完善专项维修资金管理的建议。最后针对我国当前物业管理企业存在的问题,提出解决的措施。 第一部分,物业的归属问题。对此采用层层推进的方法进行论述。首先,对建筑物区分所有权的概念和性质进行界定,明确建筑物区分所有权是由专有部分所有权、共有所有权和成员权所构成的一种特别所有权,不同于一般民法意义上的所有权。通过分析认定建筑物区分所有权的性质是复合共有。其次,对建筑物区分所有权三项权能中的共有所有权进行讨论,笔者认为共有所有权不能采取一刀切的方法将其划分为按份共有或共同共有,而应该根据具体的使用情况来确定,并对区分所有建筑物共有所有权的客体—共用部分进行论述,并建议采用列举加排除的方法来界定其范围。第三,结合实际讨论区分所有建筑物共用部分的专有使用权,对当前实际生活中容易发生争议的屋顶平台、停车场和窗前绿地的专有使用权的归属和管理进行探讨。最后,对专有部分的使用限制进行分析,指出区分所有权人对专有部分的权利也不是无限制的,除遵守法律的规定外还必须受到管理规约和相邻关系的约束。 第二部分,物业管理中专项维修资金问题。由于专项维修资金是对区分所有建筑物共有部分进行维护、维修和改善的重要资金来源,但由于我国法律对专项维修资金的收取、使用和管理办法等只有原则性规定,实践中容易发生纠纷。本文首先明确专项维修资金的性质是全体业主所有,然后采用对比比较的方法提出对专项维修资金的完善措施。笔者指出:1.应该拓宽专项维修资金的来源,通过论述指出开发商、建筑物区分所有权人、物业的出售者以及国家地方财政都应支付专项维修资金,另外共有部分专

【Abstract】 In this paper, the author mainly discusses three questions about realty management.The f special ownership. And through the analysis, it is recognized th irst question is the property ownership. Firstly, the author agrees that the distinguished construct ownership is composed of exclusive right, right of common and membership right. It is a at the distinguished construct ownership is compound-common in the nature. Secondly, by the dissertation in one of the right—right of common, it is definite that the character can be confirmed according the real condition, and to demarcate the ownership, the method of enumerate plus exclude is recommend. Thirdly, how to discrimination the ownerships and managements of the exclusive usufruct of all common part in construction is a problem which is easy to bring dispute in real life, through the discussion of this problem, the restrict use of exclusive part is put forward, that is the usufruct must be restricted with the manage regulation and neighborhood besides abide by the legal regulation.The second question is about the special service fund in realty management. First, it is recognized that the special service fund is vest in all owner in the nature. Secondly, the author discusses the improvement measures of the special service fund. The author presents that it could be improve from four aspects. That are, the development of its source, adopting regular payment method according the proportion of building ownership, adopting the payment standard according the cost of construction area and the strict management of the special service fund.The third question is about the problems of which the enterprise of realty management in face and the improvement measure. Firstly, it is definite that the nature of enterprise of realty management is a legal consequence who has the corporation qualification. And then, the author presents the improvement measure in six aspects for the questions exist

  • 【分类号】D922.181
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】407

