

Eugene O’Neill’s Religious View

【作者】 李明轩

【导师】 郭英剑;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 本文采用以加拿大学者诺思洛普.弗莱的理论为主要代表的圣经原型批评方法对奥尼尔三部主要作品《天边外》、《无穷岁月》、《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》中的人物、结构进行了深入的分析,以此来探讨奥尼尔的宗教观。 全文共分为五个部分。引言和结论再加上三章作品分析。引言首先阐述了本文作者之所以选择运用圣经结构原型理论对三部剧作《天边外》,《无穷岁月》和《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》进行分析研究的原因并解释了采用圣经结构原型理论作为本文的批评方法的可行性:随后简要介绍评论界对其三部作品及奥尼尔宗教观所做出的种种不同评价;最后提出了笔者所探讨的主题:通过对作品中主要人物经历的圣经结构原型分析,奥尼尔具有什么样的宗教观? 第一章分析《天边外》中主要人物的圣经原型及圣经结构原型在主要人物经历中的体现。罗伯特身上体现出了《圣经》人物亚当原型,一个堕落和忏悔的原型;朱安的原型可以追溯到耶稣基督,他既是替罪羊又是圣人:露斯是夏娃的原型,在他们身上体现了两种截然不同的《圣经》结构原型:U型结构即喜剧结构和倒U型结构即悲剧结构。《天边外》是奥尼尔早期的一部成熟作品,在这一部作品中,悲剧结构和喜剧结构交织在一起,形成戏剧复杂的风貌。 第二章探讨《无穷岁月》中主人公约翰.洛文圣经原型及其约翰和洛文这一组由同一人物约翰.洛文分裂出来的两种人格善恶斗争的圣经主题原型在圣经结构原型中的体现。约翰.洛文是天使和撒旦的结合体,约翰是《圣经》中天使的原型,洛文是撒旦的原型。约翰和洛文的对话差不多贯穿了《无穷的岁月》全剧始终。约翰和洛文是分裂人格的舞台形象,他们对话恰如其分地表现了奥尼尔信仰危机,信仰复归的真实心理路程。这一过程是典型悲剧结构和喜剧结构交织在一起。

【Abstract】 This thesis attempts to use the Biblical archetypal criticism to probe into the mythological archetypes in Eugene O’Neill’s three most important plays, mainly focusing on identifying the Biblical archetypal structures in them.The following plays are discussed in this thesis: Beyond the Horizon (1918/1920), Days without End (1932-1934) and Long Day’s Journey into Night (1941-1956). Beyond the Horizon is from his early period, and proved to be a seminal play that established a theatrical pattern which endured for at least two decades (Berlin 65) . Days Without End is an expressionistic play. Although it failed on the stage, yet it appealed to many readers and critics sympathetic to its predominantly Catholic point of view (78). Long Day’s Journey into Night is O’Neill’s masterpiece. It is almost autobiographical and marks the climax of O’Neill’s development, both psychological and artistic (96). It is a play about modern man’s spiritual plight and crisis. These three plays are from O’Neill’s early, middle and mature periods. More importantly, these plays trace O’Neill’s spiritual road of puzzlement—returning—puzzlement, which obviously reflects his lifelong contemplation of religion.This thesis is composed of three parts, plus the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction gives a very brief review of different studies that have been done on these three plays. This review is followed by the reason why the writer of this thesis chose this topic. With a detailed explanation of using Biblical archetypal structures as the theoretical basis for the close study of these three plays, the question is put forward: With a background of a puritanical Irish Catholic family and having lost his faith as a Roman Catholic when he was a

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】I712.073
  • 【下载频次】414

