

The Numerical Analysis of Pile-soil Interaction in H-type Sheet-pile Wall

【作者】 马青力

【导师】 严明;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 桩板墙在整治边坡中应用相当广泛,桩的抗弯能力主要取决于桩的刚度,而仅靠加大桩身截面所能增加的刚度是有限的,而且大截面桩造价昂贵、施工困难。因此近年来,对下滑推力较大的边坡,h型桩板墙、排架桩、门型刚架桩这些新型的结构形式得到了广泛应用。它们具有共同的特点:前、后基桩截面较小,用系梁联成整体构成框架,其抗弯刚度大大增加;截面受力较小,节省较多的钢筋;对锚固段岩土体的抗力要求较低;能承受较大的坡体推力。 由于单桩的情况研究较多,且受力状态相对于h型较为简单,所以本文主要是采用数值分析方法结合工程实例对h形桩板墙桩土相互作用进行研究分析。在分析中我们看到,h型桩板墙的副桩虽然没有直接承受坡体推力的作用,但其通过桩间系梁对主桩起到了巨大的支撑作用,使得主桩的抗滑能力大大增强。同时在与常规的解析方法对比中发现,由于种种假定,特别是坡体推力分布、桩间土抗力分布,使得解析法的计算结果与实际情况有所偏差。因此,解决岩土工程领域的问题需要综合利用解析方法、数值方法与实验、监测等多种手段,以提高分析结果的可靠度。

【Abstract】 The sheet-pile retaining wall is widely adopted in the landslides or slopes remedy. The pile’s capability of resist-wrench are mainly up to pile’s stiffness. However, it’s finite only on the pile’s section dimension. Furthermore, the large-section pile is costly and difficult to construct. So these years h-type sheet-pile wall is widely constructed. They have the same parameter, the smaller section, bigger stiffness of resist-wrench, less material, shorter embedment depth and resisting bigger slide press.Predecessor have greatly study on single pile and it is simple compare to h-type sheet-pile wall. In this paper, the main content is to apply numerical analytic method to research and analysis the interaction between slide-resistant piles and soil combined with a real example. According to numerical analysis, it’s found that the vice-pile greatly sustains the main-pile by the link beam while it doesn’t directly bear the slope slide-force, so the main-pile has more slide-resistant capability. In succession, the internal force of numerical method and that of the general analytic method are compared, and it’s shown that the internal force of the analytic method partly deviates from the real face for these assumptions of slope press distribution, reaction distribution of soil between piles, and so on. Therefore, it’s necessary to utilize several kinds of method or means, general analytic method and numerical method or experiment and monitoring to solve the geotechnical problems.

  • 【分类号】TU473.1
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】339

