

Study on the Reformation of Property Right System of State-owned Enterprise

【作者】 魏海艳

【导师】 田恩义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 我国国有企业改革20多年经历了放权让利、利改税、承包制等阶段之后,虽然一定程度上取得了相当的进步,但终究没能走出困境,还有许多深层次的问题存在,其根本原因是产权没变。马克思的产权理论和西方的产权理论都强调效率的作用和经济主体的激励作用,系统掌握产权理论对分析我国国有企业产权改革具有很强的理论意义和现实意义。 国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱,目前我国国有企业改革己进入攻坚阶段。深入推进国有企业改革,尤其是国有企业产权制度改革,对提高企业活力和效率、更好发挥应有作用、完善社会主义市场经济体制等方面具有举足轻重的作用。本文在分析马克思产权理论的同时也借鉴西方产权理论的最新研究成果,又系统总结我国国有企业产权制度的弊端,分析了国有企业传统产权制度存在的所有者缺位、激励不足和委托—代理链条过长等问题,由此解释国有经济布局不合理,国有企业效率低下、经济效益差的根本原因。中国国有企业想要走出困境,就必须直面产权改革,这是一个无法回避的问题。 最后本文还进一步讨论了国有企业产权改革的思路和具体措施。笔者根据对现行国有企业的现状研究,针对一些实际现象指出在改革过程中应保持正确的认识。笔者认为,探索出一条符合中国国情的产权改革之路至关重要。文章论述了改革的整体思路,并由此提出国有企业产权制度改革应实行产权结构多元化等政策措施,促进国有企业快速发展,提高经济效率。

【Abstract】 It has been more than twenty years since China began its reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).A lot of innovation of the economic organizational form of our country were carried on under the circumstances that there is not great adjustment in the institution of property right, and they have led to the fact that the reform is out of anticipation to them. Both Marx’s theories of property right and western theories of property right emphasize property right’s function in improvement to efficiency, stimulation to people. And they were just ignored by the traditional property right system of state-owned enterprise of our country. It is very important to grasp the theories for the innovation of our state-owned enterprises.The state-owned enterprise is the pillar of our national economy; the reform of state-owned enterprise has already entered a key period now. Driving the reform of state-owned enterprise energetically, especially the reform of state-owned enterprise’s property right system have very important function for improving the vigor and efficiency of state-owned enterprise and building up perfect socialist market economy system. This paper benefits from the new achievement in research of the theory of western property right while adhering to the basic position of Marx’s theory of property right, and on the basis of summarizing the drawback of the property right system of state-owned enterprise in our country systematically, it uses the models of contract theory and agent theory by agreement about the enterprise of the theory of western property right, and analyzes insufficient stimulation of the traditional property right system of state-owned enterprise of our country. This is the basic reason for state-owned enterprise’s inefficiency and economy of poor benefits. The reform of property

  • 【分类号】F271
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】521

