

Study of the Technique for Ship Acoustic Correlation Velocity Measurement

【作者】 刘德铸

【导师】 孙大军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 水声工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 声相关测速技术可以测得舰船相对于海底的绝对速度。以此原理制造的声相关计程仪是适合于装备在船舶、自主水下运载器以及潜艇上的一种导航仪器,它能够实时给出载体的运动信息,并能够获得精确的累积航程。在相同的工作深度要求下与多普勒计程仪比较,声相关计程仪可以利用较小的换能器和以较小的功率发射信号。 本论文的主要研究内容包括: 1.综述了舰船声相关测速技术的国内外的发展情况。 2.从射线声学模型角度阐述了声相关测速的基本原理及测速方法。围绕声呐方程,论证了相关计程仪设计时应考虑的一些问题,如频率的选取,作用距离的估计等。 3.基于声相关的海底回波模型,对时间和空间相关测速进行了仿真研究。对声相关测速试验所得到的数据,作者进行了分析,得到的结果与仿真结果基本一致。 4.介绍了利用最大似然和最小二乘法估计未知参数的方法。基于一个相关函数模型进行了一维最小二乘方法的仿真,得到了较好的仿真效果。

【Abstract】 Acoustic correlation velocity measurement technology is used to make measurements of velocity relative to the seabed. Acoustic correlation log is a navigation instrument, which is suitable to be equipped on ships, AUV and submarines. It can provide the carrier’s moving information and get accurate cumulative sail in real time. Compared to doppler velocity log for the same depth of water, it enables the use of smaller transducer and smaller transmitting power.The major contents in this dissertation are following.1. The developing progresses in the field of ship velocity measurement abroad and domestically are summarized.2. Based on the radial acoustics, general principles of acoustic correlation velocity measurement technology is introduced. Some problems, such as the choice of frequency, estimation of the distance and so on, are discussed according to sonar equation, which should be considered in designing an acoustic correlation log.3. The seabed echo theoretical model for acoustic correlation velocity measurement is founded and some simulation is taken on the temporal correlation and spatial correlation according to this model. The author analyses data acquired from experiment in tank. The result is basically consistent with the simulation.4. The methods using the maximum likelihood and the least square to estimate the unknown parameters are briefly introduced. The theoretical model of the temporal-spatial correlation is deduced in one dimension. The simulation gives a nice result.

【关键词】 声呐声相关测速
【Key words】 SonarAcoustic correlationVelocity measurement
  • 【分类号】U666.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】360

