

The Research on Human Resource Ability Building in System Development of XISCO

【作者】 刘晓艳

【导师】 熊正德;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济的发展,企业的能力成为决定企业竞争力的重要因素,尤其是企业人力资源能力作用巨大,意义特殊。企业人力资源能力建设研究是国有企业谋求更大发展的需要。在国家宏观调控政策管控以及产权、管理体制改革深化的背景下,湘钢集团公司要在激烈的行业市场竞争中争得一席之地,就必须提高自己的竞争实力,适应发展的需求。这就要求管理者必须站在企业整体的角度和战略的高度,对于整个企业人力资源能力状况进行分析,深刻思考如何加大体系各方面的投入,创造一个适合人力资源能力发挥更大作用的环境和空间,以增强企业所表现出来的整体能力。因此,在国有体制改革现阶段,为确保企业的长远稳定发展,深入研究“湘钢集团体制改革中的人力资源能力建设”具有重要的理论和现实意义。文章从企业人力资源能力建设的提出及其思想发展概况的阐述入手,结合对于湘钢集团产权及管理体制改革背景的基本分析,指出加强企业人力资源能力建设是集团公司体制改革中增强企业竞争力的必要措施,并且提出企业人力资源能力建设是今后人力资源管理部门的主要职能。接着对于湘钢集团发展概况进行了分析,研究湘钢集团的发展战略和目标及其对企业人力资源能力的要求,为湘钢集团人力资源能力建设研究奠定基础。再后对湘钢集团人力资源能力现状进行了分析,指出其现有人力资源能力已经不适应企业发展的需要,必须加强企业人力资源能力的体系建设。在此基础上,文章重点探讨了湘钢集团人力资源能力建设方案。根据企业能力理论对湘钢集团人力资源能力建设从内容和途径两个方面提出方案,提议在完善组织结构的前提下,进行人力资源能力的战略性规划,建立以能力素质模型为基础的新型人力资源能力管理体系,并通过先进的企业文化进行引导,不断加强人力资源管理者能力建设,促进企业人力资源能力的提升。最后,论文对湘钢集团体制改革推进过程中相关的人力资源能力建设活动进行了研究,从推进的条件和具体进程方面对于建设情况进行了分析,指出存在的问题并提出改进对策与建议。体制改革中的国企人力资源能力建设研究是人力资源能力建设和管理在一个新领域的应用研究。目前的人力资源能力建设研究仅体现在政府对于社会的投入,对于企业没有现成的东西可以借鉴。在国有企业产权体制和管理体制改革进一步深化的背景下,如何进行和加强企业人力资源能力建设,同时转变企业人力资源能力管理职能,针对这些问题,还将需要进行大量的研究。鉴于企业人力资源能力的特殊性,本文采取理论与实践、效果预期与实证分析相结合的方法,力争使论文既有理论上的创新意义,又有实践上的指导价值。

【Abstract】 With the development of the knowledge economy ,the enterprise capacity has become the most important factor for the corporate competitiveness , especially the ability of human resource .it plays an important role and has special meaning for the enterprise,so the research of human resource ability building is a need of greater development of enterprise. Under the management and macroeconomic control of government policy, Xiangtan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd (abbr. XISCO) should make great efforts as follows to fight for the fierce competition such as raising its own ability, improving the innovation of managerial system, so that it can meet the requirement of the development and improve it also. To do so, we have to look the enterprise as a whole part and make analysis to the human resource ability of the whole system, and the whole enterprise .and we have to think it over about how to do more investment to the whole system and provide a place or a room for human resource to have more effect on .so that we can improve our enterprise capacity. At the current development stage of the company, it is necessary to do the deep research for human resource ability construction in enterprise who performing the reform of management system for its stable development. Which is not a theoretical meaning, but a practice meaning also.This article has an introduction at first, Starting from the analysis of the human resource theory and the enterprises capacity theory with considering the real situation of XISCO, we can point out to improve the human resource ability is the good choice of the enterprise to enhance the corporate competitiveness while reforming the management system. Then we do the analysis of whole development environment of XISCO. The study is from the macroeconomic、microeconomic and its own situation. Also the development strategy and its requirement to the human resource ability .which will make a foundation for the following study. Next is the existing capacity analysis of human resource in XISCO. The author points out the current level of human resource ability is not suit for the development of the enterprise, so it must be reformed and strengthen the building of human resource capacity. The author provide a precept of human resource ability building in XISCO. From the target, the content and the ways, we have a whole plan for improving the human resource ability building in XISCO .At last, the enterprise has seen the shortage in human resource ability, so they made some changes to improve it. From the research to it’s changing course, we found some aspect were not so good, After studying in them, we got the conclusion and give some suggestions to make it better.Human resource ability construction is a new study direction in research of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】F426.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】275

