

Study on Legal System of Defective Products’ Recall

【作者】 聂玲

【导师】 陈锦红;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 民商法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 缺陷产品召回制度,最早出现在美国,目前实行召回制度的国家还有日本、韩国、加拿大、英国和澳大利亚等国。美国的召回制度最先应用于汽车,召回制度在美国等国家的实践表明,召回制度是产品质量和消费者权益的有力保证,实施召回制度有利于提高制造者的产品质量意识,有利于企业关注技术改造和环保问题,有利于规范市场竞争秩序。缺陷产品召回制度是一种社会生活的安全保障制度,它是针对已经流入市场的缺陷产品而建立的。所谓缺陷产品,是指因产品设计上的失误或生产线某环节上出现的错误而产生的,大批量危及消费者人身、财产安全或危害环境的产品。由于缺陷产品往往具有批量性的特点,因此,当这些产品投放到市场后,如不加以干预,其潜在的危害是巨大的,有可能对不特定的消费者的生命、财产安全或环境造成损害。如果不及时采取措施,就会延误迅速在社会上消除隐患的时机,使损害进一步扩大。因此,有必要制订相关法律,监督缺陷产品的制造者,使之对其生产和消费的缺陷产品进行收回、改造等等,并采取措施消除产品设计、制造、销售等环节上的缺陷,以维护消费者权益。我国还没有正式的缺陷产品召回制度,虽然我国颁布了《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》,在汽车领域首先推行了召回制度后,在我国构建全面的缺陷产品召回制度一度曾引起过人们的高度关注。然而到目前为止,全面的缺陷产品召回制度仍未建立起来。目前,国内对缺陷产品的处理主要还是采取由受损的消费者对缺陷产品以违约或侵权为由,通过司法程序向制造者提出索赔。这种维权方式不但成本较高,而且需要全民法律意识的普及。因此构建我国的一般性的缺陷产品召回法律制度意义重大。

【Abstract】 Defective Product Recall System originated in the United States. Nowadays it is also implemented in Japan, South Korea, Canada, Britain and Australia. U.S.’Defective Product Recall System was first applied to automobile products. The recall practices in the United States and other countries have shown that a sound recall system will guarantee product quality for consumers and protect consumers’rights and interests. The implementation of such a system will be conducive to tightening manufacturers’ as well as dealers’awareness of product quality, urging companies to attach importance to technology updates and environmental protection problems, and rectifying and standardizing the market competition.Defective Product Recall System is one kind of safety protection systems for social life, which aims at the products which have already entered into the market. Product defect necessitating a recall refers to a common defect in the design or production that occurs in a certain batch, model or category, posing potential hazard to the users. There are generally two types of defective products, those with defective designs and those that are manufactured improperly. Defective products are most harmful. They are not safe, environmentally friendly. When they enter into the market, and the concerned authority do not take effective measures to handle it properly, we shall suffer the consequences, such as death, the loss of property and pollution. The manufacturer, and others involved in the chain of commerce involving the products that caused the injury, are often liable for injuries defective products cause. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate laws and surveil defective product producers, impelling them to recall and improve their defective products, etc.. Possible flaws in the process of product designing, manufacturing and selling should be eliminated to safeguard consumers’rights and interests.Unlike the United States and other economically developed countries, there is no official recall system in China. In 2004, China has promulgated "Administrative Regulations on Recalls of Defective Automobile Products" and the automobile industry was the first in China that piloted a defective product recall system. It was then so hot an issue that it aroused intense public interest in the establishment of a comprehensive Defective Product Recall System. However, we now only have the initial framework of a Defective Product Recall System. There is more for us to do if

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】421

