

A Comparative Study on the Translation of Laotse

【作者】 卢越

【导师】 王秋海;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【副题名】From the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics

【摘要】 哲学阐释学同传统阐释学截然不同。它关注的并非是阐释的结果,而是通过理解进行阐释的方法和途径,从而为学术界提供了一种崭新的描述性的研究方法。接受美学便是这一学科直接影响下的产物。它也为翻译研究中关于“翻译本质”及“翻译标准”的长期争执开辟了一种新的视角,动摇了传统译论以源语文本的唯一性和确定性为前提的理论根基。 目前,在国内外,专门从哲学阐释学角度进行翻译研究的文章数量十分有限,而许多国内学者在运用该理论研究时,常常把传统阐释学理论和哲学阐释学理论混为一谈,并且忽视了后者的辩证性。有鉴于此,本文作者试图以哲学阐释学的最基本的概念和迦达默尔的翻译理论为基础,论证“翻译的本质是有限度的解释”这一命题,并阐述以两次视阈融合为特征的翻译的一般过程。在论述过程中,作者将坚持辩证的分析方法,在说明阐释者主体性的同时,始终强调文本本身的限制作用。值得一提的是,在本文的实例部分,为了充分说明视阈融合中源语文本的作用,作者特意引入接受美学代表人物伊塞尔“空白”、“未定性”和“文本召唤结构”的概念,并把这两种理论结合在一起,从动态和静态两个方面考察翻译过程中各种因素作用的方式和结果。 经过比较性的研究和深入思考,作者发现一方面上述两种理论可以为翻译研究提供坚实的理论基础,而另一方面,中国典籍英译的丰富实例又可以为哲学阐释学提供充分论据。老子《道德经》的英译则更为典型,因为这部著作思想深刻、语言模糊,而且它的英译者的个人背景各不相同。作者从亚瑟.韦利和汪榕培的两个译本抽取典型案例进行比较,说明不同译者的不同“视阈”导致目的语文本在内容、形式、构成等各方面的差异。

【Abstract】 Philosophical hermeneutics differs from traditional hermeneutics in that it focuses on the way in which interpretation through understanding is achieved rather than the result of interpretation. It opens up a new perspective for translation studies, shaking the basis of the traditional ideas with the ST’s uniqueness and determinacy as precondition.The relationship between philosophical hermeneutics and translation studies is: while providing a strong theoretical basis for translation studies, philosophical hermeneutics may, on the contrary, draw ample empirical support from them.In this thesis, the writer tries to redefine translation and elaborate its whole process with the basic ideas of philosophical hermeneutics and also some concepts of the aesthetics of reception as amendment, and then, further illustrate her viewpoints with some typical examples drawn from two English versions of Laotse.In the"Introduction", a brief introduction is given to the translation studies in and abroad from the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics; and then, an explanation is made about the purposes and the procedure of the current research; and lastly, an interpretation is made about the importance of applying the theory of philosophical hermeneutics to the translation study of Chinese classics.Chapter One contains a brief review of the development of hermeneutics, underlining the influence of the ontological turn of hermeneutics on the Western

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】792

