

The Effects of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Memory Performance

【作者】 杨海燕

【导师】 方平;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 情绪与认知的关系一直是国内外研究者关注的重要问题。20世纪70年代以来,情绪对认知过程影响的研究逐渐兴起。另一方面,与情绪调节有关的训练项目在学校中蓬勃开展,以帮助学生摆脱各种消极情绪状态,形成有效的情绪调节策略,提高学习和记忆的效果。但迄今为止,人们对情绪调节与记忆关系本质的认识尚不清晰。什么样的情绪调节策略可以获得更好的记忆效果?情绪调节影响记忆效果的机制是什么?这些问题的回答对于开发有效的情绪调节策略,减少情绪对个体学习和记忆的消极影响,具有重要的理论和现实意义。 基于已有研究,本研究假设情绪调节策略与记忆的关系受到情绪调节过程中的认知加工策略、认知资源损耗和情绪状态三方面的影响。我们采用生理指标和主观报告相结合的情绪评定方法考察被试的情绪状态;采用奇偶数判断和元辅音判断任务两组选择性注意测验,考察情绪调节过程中的认知资源损耗;通过考察言语和非言语情绪诱发材料的记忆效果,检验情绪调节过程中的认知策略。 129名在校大学生参加了本研究。他们被随机分成认知重评组、表情抑制组、控制组和中性组四个组。排除无效数据后,研究最后得到有效被试100人,其中认知组23人、抑制组29人、控制组24人、中性组24人。前三组观看诱发消极(悲伤)情绪的影片片断,并使用指导语控制被试使用不同的情绪调节策略。中性组观看诱发中性情绪的影片片断,使用与控制组相同的指导语。数据处理采用分组~*任务(4~*2)方差分析考察不同情绪调节策略对各个指标的影响。 结果发现,情绪状态的主观评价和生理指标测查均表明认知重评组体验的悲伤情绪最低。在元-辅音判断的选择性注意任务中,认知调节组成绩显著高于抑制组和控制组,但与中性组没有显著差异;但在奇数-偶数任务上,各个组没有明显的差异,可能与该任务难度较低有关。同时表明不同情绪调节组在认知损耗上存在差异,抑制组和控制组认知损耗高于认知组。在情绪材料记忆任务中正确率上,认知组被试在言语任务上的正确率显著高于抑制组和控制组,但在非言语任务上各个组的成绩没有显著差异。这个结果同Gross等人(2000)发现一致,说明抑制组和控制组被试可能采用自我中心言语策略进行情绪抑制。 我们的研究结果表明,不同的情绪调节策略导致情绪调节过程中的认知加工策略、认知资源的损耗、情绪状态等多个方面的改变,这些均可能对情绪调节策略与记忆的关系产生影响。本研究对于探讨情绪影响记忆的机制,认识情绪调节与记忆之间的本质联系等问题提供了重要的证据。

【Abstract】 Since 70’s in the 20th century, a lot of studies have been done to explore the relationship of emotion and cognition. On the other hand, in order to improve the students’ academic performance, numerous schools both in China and abroad have developed various types of emotion regulation program to help students to cope with negative emotion, and to form effective emotion regulation strategies. Despite of these efforts, little is known regarding the relationship of emotion regulation and memory performance. For example, what kind of emotion regulation strategy would result in best memory performance? What are the underlying mechanisms for emotion regulation affecting memory? Answer to these questions will not only significantly advance our understanding on the relationship between emotion and cognition, but also contribute to the development of effective emotion regulation strategies that can reduce the negative effects of emotion on learning.Based on existing studies, the present studies examined three factors which might be influenced by emotion regulation strategies, and in turn would affect memory performance. These are emotional arousal, cognitive resource depletion, and cognitive processes in emotional regulation. The emotional arousal was measured by physiological monitoring (e.g., heart rate, r-interval. peak) and self-report of emotional arousal; cognitive depletion was measured by selective attention tasks using number (i.e., parity judgment) and letters (i.e., consonant-vowel judgment); cognitive strategies were measured by the memory performance in the verbal (i.e., memory of dialogue in the movie) and nonverbal emotional stimuli (i.e., memory of scene in the movie).A total of 123 college students participated in this study. They were randomly assigned into one of the four groups, namely, cognitive reappraisal, expression inhibition, control group (i.e., no regulation), and neutral-emotion group. The first three groups were asked to watch an about 6 minutes’ movie clip that could arouse sad emotion. Different instructions of emotion regulation were given to each group. The neutral-emotion watched a similar length movie clip which did not arouse any

  • 【分类号】B842.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】932

