

Study on High-Power Spiral Strip Pulse Transformer

【作者】 李士忠

【导师】 刘金亮;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 光学工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 脉冲变压器具有功率容量大、体积小、结构简单等特点,在脉冲功率领域,常用电容器放电并通过脉冲变压器升压来代替Marx发生器给加速器的形成线充电[1][2]。空芯变压器因重量轻、无磁饱和和高频限制等优点而得到广泛地应用,但是空芯变压器没有磁性材料为其提供磁回路,因而耦合系数较小,一般情况下能量传输效率较低。本课题设计的变压器是在带绕式空芯脉冲变压器中加部分磁芯材料以提高变压器耦合系数,进而提高其能量传输效率,此方法弥补了空芯变压器耦合系数低的缺点,并且可以使变压器小型化,因此对部分磁芯脉冲变压器理论和试验的进一步研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。首先从理论上分析了提高耦合系数对变压器输出电压的影响,推导了高功率带绕式空芯和部分磁芯脉冲变压器的电感及耦合系数的计算公式,并与已有的方法进行比较,经实验验证,本文推导的方法能够较准确地计算带绕式空芯脉冲变压器的参数。此外对部分磁芯变压器参数的计算也进行了较简单的分析。其次用PSpice分析了脉冲功率系统各部分参数对传输线充电电压的影响,并根据分析结果合理地选择变压器参数。通过比较各种磁芯材料的性能,最终选用铁基非晶态材料作为高功率带绕式脉冲变压器的磁芯材料。用ANSYS模拟变压器内部的静态电磁场分布,根据模拟结果,决定采用在变压器的内部加单个圆筒形内磁芯的结构形式。最终研制的部分磁芯带绕式脉冲变压器的初级电感为3.14μH,次级电感为298.9μH,次级输出电压在635kV以上,耦合系数为0.87,比相同结构尺寸的带绕式空芯脉冲变压器的耦合系数提高了13.4%,变比提高了20%,能量传输效率提高44%。此外本文还对带绕式空芯脉冲变压器的频率响应进行了理论分析和实验测试。

【Abstract】 High-power pulse transformer has excellent performances in high power capacity、small bulk and simple structure. So it opens up extensive applications in the pulse power fields. The transformer system with storage capacities is often used in intense electron beam accelerator to substitute traditional Marx generator. For the air-core pulse transformer has no magnetic material to form the magnetic loop, its coupling coefficient and energy efficiency is lower. In order to improve its property, partial magnetic material is inserted in air-core spiral strip transformer. This method not only results in better property of transformer, but also reduces the bulk of transformer. The research on part-magnetic-core pulse transformer has an important meaning in transformer’s manufacture and design. The effect of the magnetic material on transformer’s performance is studied in the theme.The change of transformer’s output voltage with coupling coefficient is analyzed. The calculated formulas for parameters of air-core and part-magnetic-core pulse transformer are deduced based on electromagnetic theory. Comparing with past formulas for calculated the parameters of the transformer, this formulas is more accurate to reckon the parameters of transformer. But the methods to calculate the parameters of partial magnetic core pulse transformer are simple and imperfect. It will be further improved in the future.The charge circuit with a pulse transformer is simulated using Pspice. According to the simulated results, the parameters of loop making the influences on transformer’s output voltage are analyzed, and suited transformer’s parameters are selected depending on the analytic result. On the base of comparing many kinds magnetic material, the amorphous iron material is acted as magnetic core of high power spiral strip pulse transformer. The distributions of electromagnetic field inside the transformer are simulated using ANSYS. According to simulated result, the cylindrical magnetic core is used in the air-core spiral strip pulse transformer. In the end, the part-magnetic-core pulse transformer is constructed with primary inductance 3.14μH, second inductance 298.89μH and coupling coefficient 0.873. Compared with the air-core spiral strip pulse transformer of the same dimension, the coupling coefficient is increased by 13.4 percent. This transformer is used to charge for water capacitor. The output voltage of transformer is up to 635kV in the experiment. The property of the transformer is satisfied with the request of experiment and design. The methods have guidance on designing transformer. Moreover, the frequency response of the transformer was theoretically analyzed and practically tested.

  • 【分类号】TM417
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】702

