

【作者】 姜达

【导师】 屠庆平;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 水声工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 矢量水听器较传统声压水听器有诸多优势。本文从矢量水听器的指向性特性出发,对基于矢量水听器的拖曳阵声呐本舰噪声抵消方法进行了研究。针对水听器的指向性,研究了在理想条件下,单个矢量水听器的偶极子指向性和声压、振速联合指向性,并用实验数据进行了指向性图的绘制。针对拖曳阵声呐本舰噪声抑制,文章提出利用矢量水听器端射波束形成器对参考噪声信号进行提取,建立了舰船拖曳声呐自适应本舰噪声抵消系统,从而将自适应噪声抵消器成功运用到本舰噪声抑制的课题上,并通过仿真与实验数据对该方法进行了验证。全文主要工作如下: 第一章是绪论部分。对矢量水听器以及本舰噪声抑制方法的国内外研究现状进行了介绍。 第二章从工作原理和理论上对两种矢量水听器进行了分析。对压差式矢量水听器的计算模型、接收信号的数学模型、方位角的计算以及矢量水听器波束形成、单、双边指向性进行理论推导。 第三章主要介绍了自适应信号处理算法。对LMS算法及自适应噪声抵消器进行研究。 第四章研究了舰船噪声信号的时频特性,建立了噪声的信号模型,简要对常规的噪声抑制方法进行了介绍,并针对本舰噪声抑制方面介绍了几种典型的理论与方法。 第五章针对矢量水听器的空间方位特性和接收信号的矢量特性提出了两种基于矢量水听器的拖曳阵声呐本舰噪声抑制的方法并进行了深入研究。 第六章对第五章提出的自适应本舰噪声抵消系统进行了仿真研究,最后对消声水池采集的试验数据进行处理,对仿真结果作出分析。 第七章总结了论文所作的工作,提出了本文的创新点和进一步努力的一些意见和建议。 总之,文章从理论、仿真、试验数据处理等方面对基于矢量水听器的拖曳声呐自适应本舰噪声抵消方法进行研究,结果表明,它可以有效的抵消本舰噪声,提高拖曳式声呐目标定向精度。

【Abstract】 Compared with the pressure hydrophone, vector sensors have many advantages. In this dissertation, we study directivity of acoustic vector sensor to research the method of canceling vessel noise that based on towed vector sensors. The dipole and pressure、 vibration velocity combined directivity of single vector sensor are studied and the charts of the directivity are drawn by using the real-data. For resolving the problem of canceling vessel noise, the system of adaptive vessel noise canceling by towed vector sonar presents based on picking-up the noise signal by using end-fire beamforming of vector sensor. Therefore, Adapt noise canceling is used to resolve the problem of canceling vessel noise successfully All the methods are verified by computer simulations and real-data processing. The main content can be outlined as follows:The first chapter is an introduction. Introduce researches about vector transducer and vessel noise canceling both native and foreign.In the second chapter, we study the working principle of the vector transducer. mainly the calculation mould、receiving signal mathematic mould、azimuth calculation. And then, we study the vector transducer beamforming algorithm for dipole and pressure、 vibration velocity combined directivity.The third chapter introduces the method of Adaptive Signal Processing, especially the mathematic model about LMS and Adaptive noise canceling.The forth chapter studies the time- frequency character of the vessel noise, introduce the methods of normal noise canceling and vessel noise canceling.The fifth chapter presents two method of vessel noise canceling by using the towed vector sensors each based on two characters of the vector sensors.In the sixth chapter, the system of adaptive vessel noise canceling by towed vector sonar are performed using experimental data collected from lake and cistern experiment.In seventh chapter, summarize the work of this dissertation and some suggestions are advanced.In summary, in this dissertation it is proved by theory deducing、 computer simulations and real-data processing that the system of adaptive vessel noise canceling by towed sonar can canceling the vessel noise and advance the DOA (Direction-of-Arrival) precision of the towed vector sonar.

  • 【分类号】U666.7
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】322

