

Application Study on Irrigation Management Information System Based on WR-2000 Type Hydrograph

【作者】 孔令峰

【导师】 赵元忠; 李效栋;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 甘肃地处西北干旱半干旱地区,水资源供需矛盾突出,农业灌溉用水有效利用率低。随着计算机及网络技术的飞速发展和水利信息化进程的加速及国家对灌区灌溉用水计量工作的要求越来越严格,做到计量到户、按方收费。当今,渠道流量计量设备也是多种多样,选择一种精度较高,操作管理方便,且可以在灌区中大面积推广的灌区灌溉用水量测及管理信息系统成为当务之急。本课题研究的目的,针对张掖市大满灌区实际,在灌区管理中采用现代管理方法,利用计算机技术、网络技术、现代通讯及其他先进技术手段,进行灌区信息化建设,实现灌溉系统的优化管理,提高水资源利用效益和灌区管理水平。本论文结合国家863课题“灌区量测水自动化专题”,研究了在U形渠道的测流与计量问题。通过对基于WR—2000型自记式浮子水位计的灌区用水管理信息系统在张掖大满灌区的实际应用,实现了灌区所有信息的输入、输出、更新、传输、检索与查询等功能。根据对系统的实际应用情况及采集的数据信息,详细的分析讨论了该系统的应用环境和应用范围,总结出了本系统的优点和缺点及在应用中需要注意的问题。最后笔者得出本系统对提高灌区各部门的管理决策水平有重要意义,尤其对灌区实施总量控制、定额管理、配水到田、计量到户提供重要保障。同时,对于其它信息化系统的研究与开发也有较高的参考价值,为今后在灌区中大面积推广应用该系统提供了有力的理论指导和技术保障。

【Abstract】 Gansu is a semiarid and arid area .The supply and demand of water resources were the most significant contradiction. The water use efficiency of irrigation was low. With the rapid development of computer and network technology, the acceleration of information-based water process, and the country’s increasingly stringent requirement of water measurement for irrigation areas, ensuring that measured by household and charged for square. Nowadays, there was a variety of channel flow measurement equipments, and how to choose a highly precise, easily operated and managed water irrigation measurement and information controlled system, which can be extended in most irrigation regions has become a top priority.The purpose of this research was based on the Da Man irrigation section in Zhang Ye city. Using modern management technology, such as computer, network techniques, modern communications and other means of advanced techniques, people could construct informative irrigation region and achieve optimized management of irrigation system and enhance utilized water resources rate, as well as management level of irrigation regions.This paper, combined with“Auto-measurement of Water Irrigation Theme”of 863 national programs had studied the measurement problem of flow out in U shape channel. The application of WR-2000 type Auto-reported Water leverl on Da Man irrigation section made output, input, update, check and search all informations in irrigation regions come true. The environment and scope of this system, as well as the advantages and disadvantages and the problem should be paid attention to, had detailedly analysised based on the actual application conditions and the data information collected. Finally, the author concluded that this system would enhance the level of the management decision-making for each department of irrigation district. At the same time the paper would also had highly preference value for other research and development of informative system, offered strong theoretical guidance and technical guarantee for extending the system in most irrigation regions in the future.

  • 【分类号】S274
  • 【下载频次】123

