

Study on Mixing Mechanism and Experiment of Nano Filler in New Six-Wing Synchronous Rotor with Internal Mixer

【作者】 刘朋霞

【导师】 汪传生;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 橡胶工业的发展,推动和促进了橡胶加工机械的发展,而各种新材料和新工艺的不断出现,则对橡胶加工机械提出了更高的要求。密炼机作为橡胶混炼的重要加工设备,也在不断的进行研究、开发和改进之中,利用密炼机对纳米填料与橡胶基体进行混炼,也是密炼机目前的重要任务。同步转子密炼机是目前剪切型密炼机中最先进的机型之一,其中,转子是密炼机的核心部件,因此,对同步转子密炼机的研究最重要的就是开发新型同步转子。本文在查阅大量密炼机混炼机理和混炼理论的基础上,对密炼机转子的设计理论进行了分析,并系统分析了密炼机转子截面几何形状和几何结构对纳米填料混炼效果的影响,提出了新型密炼机转子的设计思路,研制出了新型六棱同步转子及六棱VCMT同步转子。在综合分析了密炼机转子的常用造型方法后,运用扫描成型法建立了转子的三维实体模型,对模型的质量特性进行了分析计算,并对其进行了有限元结构分析和强度校核。本文重点分析了新型六棱同步转子及六棱VCMT同步转子的纳米填料混炼机理和混炼过程,并在不同的工艺条件下,对四棱同步转子、六棱同步转子、新型六棱同步转子及六棱VCMT同步转子进行了纳米碳酸钙和白炭黑两种代表性配方的对比实验,对新设计的转子性能进行了分析和实验验证。本实验研究所取得的主要成果有:1、针对纳米填料较难分散的特点,本次设计的新型六棱同步转子及六棱VCMT同步转子对纳米填料获得了较好的分散效果,可适用于纳米填料的混炼,其中,新型六棱VCMT转子效果更好。2、在相同的混炼工艺条件下,新型六棱同步转子与普通六棱同步转子和四棱同步转子相比,单位能耗降低,混炼胶分散度较高,门尼粘度低。六棱VCMT同步转子在新型六棱同步转子的基础上,可适当提高填充系数,并降低了对上顶栓压力的要求,从而降低了混炼成本。3、六棱VCMT同步转子可提高纳米填料的分散度以及胶料的各种物理机械性能,与四棱和普通六棱同步转子相比,能有效缩短混炼时间,提高密炼机的生产效率,因此,六棱VCMT同步转子可替代普通同步转子进行纳米填料混炼。实验研究表明,该新型六棱同步转子及六棱VCMT同步转子具有良好的分散混合和分布混合能力,能够使胶料在密炼室内的流动更加复杂,使纳米填料在橡胶基体内充分混合分散,大大改善了混炼效果,提高了生产效率。

【Abstract】 With the development of rubber industry, rubber processing machinery has made a big progress. Higher demand for rubber processing machinery were put forward with new material and process appearance. Mixer is one of the most important machinery for rubber compound mixing and it has been studied, developed and improved all the time. Nano filler and rubber mixing with mixer is the most important task at present. Shearing mixer is one of the most advanced mixer and rotors are the core of it. Therefore, the most important research on synchronous rotors is developing the new type of rotors.Research on a amount of literatures about mixing mechanism, the theories of mixer rotors designing and the influences of geometrical configuration on nano filler mixing effects have been analyzed. A new designing method of synchronous rotors is developed and A new type of six-wing rotors and six-wing VCMT synchronous rotors are invented. After usual modeling methods of rotors have been generally analyzed, swept modeling, a new method is brought forward by the author with the introduction of 3-D CAD. The model of finite element analysis and structural analysis of strength check have been built.Particularly, the article focuses on the nano filler mixing mechanism and courses of new six-wing synchronous and VCMT synchronous rotors. And it also analyses the comparison experimental of nanocalcium carbonate and nano silica by using four-wing, six-wing, and VCMT synchronous rotors. Through these experiments, many useful datas have been got.The theoretical analyses and experiment results show that:1. For nano filler which is difficult to disperse, the new six-wing rotors and six-wing VCMT rotors have good dispersion, especially the VCMT rotors . Both of them are suitable for the nano filler mixing. 2. In the same process conditions, compared with six-wing and four-wing synchronous rotor mixer, the new six-wing rotor mixer has less power consumption, higher dispersion of nano filler and low Mooney Viscosity. The new six-wing rotors are on the basis of six-wing rotors, can increase filled coefficient, lower the force of ram thrust and reduce the cost of mixing.3. The six-wing VCMT rotors can improve the dispersion of nano filler and the mechanical properties of the compound. Compared with the four-wing and six-wing rotors, the new six-wing VCMT rotors can reduce mixing time efficiently and greatly improve the productivity. So, the new six-wing VCMT synchronous rotors have the potential advantages in replacing the general synchronous rotors.The results have showed that the new rotors have made the flow of compound in the mixing chamber complicated and have the better mixing capabilities of dispersion and distribution. Mixing effects and the productivity are greatly improved.


