

Research of Automatic Tire X-Ray Image Analysis Algorithm

【作者】 徐啟蕾

【导师】 刘川来;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 使用X光机对轮胎进行检测,已作为质量控制的有效手段被国内外的厂商广泛采用和证明。在国内长期以来,人们一直是凭肉眼对轮胎图像进行检测,此方法重复一致性差、人力资源耗费量大、无法很好的满足企业信息化管理的要求。本文所作的工作就是要研究出一套算法,可根据轮胎的X光图像对轮胎的各种缺陷进行自动判别,实现无人值守的检测,解决人眼检测所带来的一系列问题。目前,国外的厂商已推出了产品化的全自动轮胎检测系统,而国内却没有此类的研究,我们的工作将填补国内该领域的研究空白,并致力于实现轮胎自动检测产品的国产化。 本文主要研究了实现自动检测各种轮胎缺陷的一系列算法。首先对得到的轮胎图像进行一系列预处理,包括检测窗口的选取、图像增强等。然后,本文提出一种改进的基于一维投影的快速匹配算法,将其应用到轮胎缺陷的自动识别中去,并提出一种新的基于局部不变特征的直方图相关匹配算法,通过此方法完成对边部劈缝的自动识别。接下来,针对可能存在缺陷的胎侧部位图像,利用提取到的图像特征及各种缺陷的自身特点来对缺陷进行定性、定量分析。最后对轮胎质量给出判断结果,并把存在缺陷部位的图像在图中加以标记显示。 研究中使用Visual C#.NET语言搭建了测试平台,以大量的实际图片进行了仿真试验,得到了较为令人满意的结果。文中给出了针对各个轮胎缺陷的仿真结果及相关数据。 经实验证明,本文提出的轮胎各种缺陷的自动检测算法是有效的,它可寻找出所有存在缺陷的部位,并可对部分常见缺陷的种类及缺陷程度给出较为准确的判断。

【Abstract】 It is broadly proved that X-ray is efficient in tire inspection in order control the quality. Inspect tires using naked eyes is long-standing at home, which could make poor consistent and repeatable result, manpower waste and could make it hard to information manage. We propose a novel algorithm to solve such questions and make the inspection procedure without operator intervention. At present overseas manufactures have already developed tire automatic inspection system, but there is none such research at home. Our job would full up the blank in that field.This paper mostly studied how to inspect tires’ disfigurement automatically by using the tire X-ray image. Firstly, preprocessing the image, such as select the interesting area and image enhancement. And then, we proposed a novel one dimension projective based fast image matching algorithm to inspect tire disfigurements. A novel image matching algorithm based on local invariant feature and histogram-based similar distance is also proposed to inspect dog ears. The next, aim at the area which probably contains disfigurements, take use of the extracted features and the features each disfigurement has to determine which kind of disfigurement it is. Finally, estimate the degree of the tires, and mark the area which the disfigurement exists.A great amount of images are used to test the algorithm based on the framework programmed by Visual C#.NET, and all get satisfactory results. The emulation results of each disfigurement are presented in this paper.It is proved that the algorithm we proposed is efficient to inspect the tire without operator intervention. Some of the common disfigurements are well recognized.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】194

