

Study on Pre-retirement Education of Civil Servants

【作者】 陈志福

【导师】 邱永明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 在我国人口结构日趋老龄化和构建和谐社会的时代背景下,“退休”后的老年群体已引起社会的日渐关爱。但相对而言,那些处于临退休的“准老年”群体却往往被忽视而缺乏社会的关注。本研究选择处于临退休的“准老年”公务员这一群体对退休准备教育问题进行了研究,以期能稳定其本职工作的胜任力,提升其面临角色转换的心理调适力,进而促进其退休后生涯发展的规划力。全文共分为六章: 第一章是绪论。本章通过对“退休综和症”的反思和“五九现象”的追问,阐述了研究的缘起及研究此问题的理论与实践意义。 第二章是基本认识的厘清。本章对基本概念进行了界定和辨析,对已有论述进行了必要梳理,并在此基础上确立了本研究的研究路径。 第三章是相关理论的基奠。本章从终身教育、职业生涯、心理适应、职业转换四个理论中寻求理论支撑,指出退休准备教育应是终身教育体系中的必要生命关怀,个体职业生涯发展到退休前夕阶段有其特定的退休准备任务,面对退休带来的生涯的转换应进行必要的心理预先应对,对旧的思考方式或经验进行反省、对原有预设和定式的转化进行新的适应。 第四章是现状的调研及其剖析。本章从实证的角度出发首先勾勒出临退休公务员应对退休的一般心理模式,即意识、分化、焦虑、转移四个阶段,并根据此过程中应对退休的状态把临退休公务员分为成熟安乐、矛盾冲突、装甲抵制、攻击宣泄、悲观失望五种类型,进而剖析了临退休公务员存在的生理老化与心不服老、公共管理经验丰富与知能结构相对滞后、依恋权位与期待退休、外显自然与内心忧虑、公共管理责任淡化与晋级提升期望、闲适生活与二次发展的六大矛盾,据此推导其相应的教育需求特征。 第五章是构建共同的愿景。本章从完善政府支持系统、优化课程实施体系与加强自我调适能力三个方面进行策略探讨。认为应在立法、资金、资源三方面形成合力,以保障临退休公务员接受必要的教育培训;应在课程内容、课程师资、培训方式等方面加以优化,满足临退休公务员学习需求;还应针对自我情况,学会平衡、学会做事、学会生活以加强自我调适能力,应对即将退休带来的职业生活转变。 第六章是研究的反思和展望。本章对研究对象和研究方法进行了反思,指出后续研究的方向,期望今后能够获得更深厚的理论积淀、更广泛的实践空间和更加充沛的研究成果。

【Abstract】 Nowadays the retired group has been paid more and more attention, with the population construction tending to the agedness and harmonious society being built. On the contrary, those will-be-retired group are often neglected and lack enough concerns. In order to steady their professional capability, promote their psychological adjustment before role-changes and then improve their ability of developing layout after being retired, the very paper studies the problems of pre-retirement education, choosing the will-be-retired civil servants as its subject. The whole content includes six chapters.Chapter one gives us an introduction. It expounds the origin of study, though questioning the re-thought of retirement synthetic symptom and also the phenomenon of "Five Nine". And so on ,it explains the question and its practical meaning.Chapter two makes basic knowledge clearer. It defines and analyzes the basic concepts. It makes a necessary arrangement according to the previous expound. At all of these bases, it establishes the research road of the very study.Chapter three is the cornerstone of relevant theories. It seeks the theory support from four sides: lifelong education, career development, psychological adaptation and professional changes. It points it out that pre-retirement education should be the necessary life concern in the system of lifelong education, and that the individual career has its fixed task of retirement preparation before they are retired. Facing the career changes caused by retirement, we should take necessary pre-countermeasures, introspect the old ways of thought and experience, and make a new adaptation to the previous presupposition and formulary.Chapter four is the analysis based on study of current situation. First of all, it draws an outline of common psychological mode, including four phases, that is, phases of consciousness, differentiation, anxiety and diversion. And then Secondly, the will-be-retired civil servants are divided into five types: the comfortable maturity, the contradictory, the armed boycott, the attacking vent, and the pessimistic depression. According to the analysis, analyzes six contradictories of will-be-retired civil servants, including physiological aging and unconvinced aging, rich experience and poor intelligence, attachment to position and want of retirement, external naturalness and internal worries, lack of responsibility and expectation of promotion, and also relaxed life and individual re-development. Finally,the chapter indicates that the characteristic of theirs education need.Chapter five is about the construction of common prospects. It discusses three respects—the consummation of government support system, the optimization of course practice, and the enhancement of individual adaptation ability. Firstly, a combination should be formed in legislation, in fund and in resources; so that the will-be-retired civil servants can receive necessary educational train. Secondly, it is thought that we should optimize the course contents, the supply of teachers and the ways of training and so on; so that the need of will-be-retired civil servants can be well met. Besides, the will-be-retired civil servants should learn how to weigh things, how to do things and how to live an ideal life in order to enhance the adjusting ability according to individual conditions. Then, they can deal with the career changes caused by their retirement.Chapter six studies the introspection and the prospect. It introspects the defects existed in subjects and methods of study. I hope we can obtain more profound theories, more practice chances and more research achievements in the future.

【关键词】 公务员退休退休准备教育
【Key words】 Civil servantRetirementPre-retirementEducation
  • 【分类号】D630.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】271

