

Research on Combination of Chinese and Western Elements of Xue Fengzuo

【作者】 王众杰

【导师】 特古斯;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究薛凤祚在其著作《历学会通》中是如何对中西科学进行融合会通的,以及在此过程中所体现出的会通特点和思想。此书汇集了当时传入的众多西方科学知识,成为一部会通中西的名著。薛凤祚因此书闻名于世,得以在明清之际的中西交流大潮中占有一席之地。本文的主要内容包括以下几方面:1、简要介绍薛凤祚的生平经历及其主要著作《历学会通》,对薛凤祚的交游作出较为深入的考证,并且评述了薛凤祚在清初学界的影响。2、通过考查中西会通的历史背景,本文尝试给出了明清之际“中西会通”的内涵及其原因。在此基础上,本文试图从“求学经历和博采中西”两方面探求薛凤祚会通思想的形成过程,同时分析了薛凤祚与徐光启在会通思想上的渊源关系。3、本文比较了明清之际以徐光启、王锡阐、薛凤祚所代表的会通方式。在此之前,学界对薛凤祚的研究普遍局限于他天文历算方面的工作。事实上,薛凤祚“广罗博采”的会通内容非常丰富,其会通内容涉及当时中西交流的大部分学科,其中比较有价值的会通思想并没有得到学界充分的重视。本文指出,在明末清初的诸多学者中,薛凤祚“折衷中西,会通归一”的会通自成一家,并且首次将薛凤祚的会通结构系统的分解为“义的会通”、“技的会通”、“理的会通”三个层次,这种分类概括了明清之际会通的基本类型,不仅体现在薛凤祚的会通实践中,而且也可以用此分类来剖析其他学者的会通内容。本文研究表明,薛凤祚的会通模式对于中西历算的交流和互动颇为有利。但由于薛凤祚所处时代的历史局限,特别是当时清代历算学家普

【Abstract】 This essay mainly made research on how Chinese and western sciences integrates and on how its features and thoughts are like in Lixuehuitong authored by Xue fengzuo.This book collected the contemporary relatively advanced scientific knowledge and became a famous one in combination of Chinese and Western elements. Because of this book, Xue fengzuo was extinguished in the combination between China and West in the connection period of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The main contents of this essay are as follows:First, introduced Xue’s career and his main book Lixuehuitong briefly and evaluated his influence in the early Qing scholastic area.Second, tried to give out the meanings and causes of combination occurred in the connection period of Ming and Qing Dynasties by analyzing the background of it. On this basis, this essay tried to trace the formation course of Xue’s combination thoughts from his school career and his learning broadly from China and West, and tried to analyze the relation between Xue fengzuo and Xu guangqi in combination thoughts.Third, made comparison of different combination ways between Xu guangqi, Wang xichan and Xue fengzuo. The former scholars mainly researched Xue’s astronomical calendar work. But in fact, Xue’s content of combination was quite abundant, it covered the majority of subjects in the contemporary western and Chinese combination, his valuable combination thoughts were not given enough emphasis in the scholastic area. This essay pointed out that Xue’s combination was quite unique in the lots of scholars in the connection period of Ming and Qing Dynasties. This essay analyzed Xue’s combination structure into three parts. This classification generalized the

  • 【分类号】O112
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】146

