

Jiangsu Province Ordinary Higher Learning School Sports Education Bachelor Degree Athletics General to Build Lesson Teaching Current Situation and Development Countermeasure Study

【作者】 刁志勇

【导师】 施永凡;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 体育教育与训练学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 田径运动是一项最基本最常见的体育运动项目,在增强学生体质和促进学生身心健康等方面有着重要的锻炼价值。它不仅是普通高校体育教育本科专业(以下简称体教本科专业)主干课程之一,也是基础教育《体育与健康》课程中一项基本教学内容。田径普修课课程在高校体育教育专业中占据着非常重要的位置,其教学质量的好坏直接影响着其他科目的学习,也对中学田径教学产生极其重要的影响。因此,本文以马列主义原理为指导,坚持实事求是的作风,深入进行调查研究,运用教育学、体育学、心理学、管理学、统计学等科学原理,采用多种研究方法对江苏省8所普通高校体教本科专业的田径普修课教学进行了实地调研。在调查研究的基础上,对所收集到的资料和数掘进行了系统整理和具体分析。同时,对照中小学《体育与健康课程标准》(以下简称《课程标准》)和《田径类课程教学指导纲要》(以下简称《纲要》),认为目前我省体教本科专业田径普修课教学中存在以下问题:教学指导思想和教学目标的定位不够明确,教学内容的选择有待进一步改进,师生对教学改革的理念和态度要进一步转变,等等。针对在调查中发现的问题,对我省田径普修课教学提出了7条改革建议:1、转变田径普修课教学指导思想;2、建立科学的田径普修课课程体系;3、优化教学方法,提高教学效果;4、客观评价教学质量;5、注重学生实践能力与创新能力的培养;6、处理好中小学《课程标准》与体教本科专业《纲要》的对接;7、加强田径专任教师的业务培训和知识结构的改善。因此,我省普通高校体教本科专业田径普修课教学应面对现实,加快改革步伐,加大改革力度;应主动适应时代发展,按照《田径类课程教学指导纲要》和《课程标准》改革田径普修课教学;应加快《课程标准》与我省体教本科专业田径普修课教学的有机对接。

【Abstract】 Track and field sports is that one is most basically the most common sports sports events, thereis important value of training in strengthening student’s physique and promoting students to bephysically and mentally healthy etc.. It is not merely one of the sports education bachelor degreebackbone courses of ordinary higher learning school, basic education "sports and health" a basiccontent of the courses too. Athletics general to build lesson course occupy important position very inuniversity sports educational speciality, its quality of teaching’s quality influences the study of othersubjects directly, have a extremely important impact on athletics teaching of middle school too.This article take the Marxism-Leninism principle as the instruction, persisted the realisticattitude, thoroughly conducts the investigation and study, the utilization pedagogy, the sports study,the psychology, the management science, statistics and so on the scientific principle, used the manykinds of research technique to repair the class teaching to Jiangsu Province 8 ordinary universitiessports education undergraduate course specialized track and field Pu to carry on has investigated andstudied on the spot. In in the investigation and study foundation, to collected the material and thedata has carried on the system reorganization and the concrete analysis to. At the same time,compares "New Curriculum Standard" and "Track and field Teaching Instruction Summary", belowthought present our province sports education undergraduate course specialized track and field Purepairs in the class teaching to have the problem: The teaching guiding ideology and the teachinggoal localization insufficiently is clear abouthe course content choice waits for further improves, theteachers and students must further transform to the educational reform idea and the manner, and soon. In view of question which discovered in the investigation, repaired the class teaching to ourprovince track and field Pu to propose 7 reforms suggested: 1st, transformation track and field Purepairs the class teaching the guiding ideology; 2nd, establishment science track and field Pu repairsthe class curriculum system; 3rd, the optimization teaching method, enhances the teaching effect;4th, objective evaluation teaching quality; 5th, pays great attention to the student to practice the abilityand the innovation ability raise; 6th, processes good "Middle school Sports And Healthy CurriculumStandard" repairs the class with sports education undergraduate course specialized Pu "Track andfield Teaching Instruction Summary" docking; 7th, strengthens track and field specially appointedteacher’s service training and the knowledge structure improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】472

