

【作者】 张蕾

【导师】 施洪飞;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 运动人体科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过自行设计的有氧健身操(根据选用的音乐命名为动感活力有氧健身操,简称动感活力健身操)结合营养干预研究对中青年职业女性体质指数、血脂成分及相关血清酶的影响,以探讨在健身房进行有氧健身操运动结合合理营养对于普通女性作为日常健身方法以增强体质、增进健康、延缓衰老的意义。方法:以17名在女子健身房通过动感活力健身操进行锻炼的职业女性为研究对象,年龄在30—45岁之间,日常工作与生活均为轻体力活动,喜爱有氧健身操运动并且首次参加该项运动,无长时间的健身史(3个月以上),无严重疾病,身体基本健康,志愿配合实验的要求参加本次研究。受试者利用业余时间在教练的带领下练习动感活力健身操,每周四至五次,每次一个小时,共八周。同时,对健身者进行营养知识教育,制定平衡膳食方案,分发健身和营养干预计划施行表格,督促健身者执行。实验前后分别测定其体重、体脂百分比、BMI、空腹CLU、TC、TG、APO-A、APO-B和、HDL-c、LDL-c、LDH、ALT、AST、HBDH、CK、SOD的活性、NOS的活性。采用SPSS软件系统进行统计分析。结果:经过八周的锻炼同时结合营养干预,锻炼者总体重、体脂百分比、BMI降低,呈极显著性差异(P<0.01);TG明显降低(P<0.01),APO-A、HDL-c有所升高(P<0.05);AST显著升高(P<0.01),CLU、TC、APO-B、LDL-c、LDH、ALT、HBDH、CK无显著性差异,血清SOD活性高于锻炼前(P<0.05),NOS活性显著高于锻炼前(P<0.01)。结论:中青年职业女性坚持利用工作之余在健身房通过参加动感活力健身操的锻炼,同时结合合理营养,有助于促进新陈代谢,促使体脂偏高者体重下降、体内多余脂肪减少,体脂百分比降低,BMI下降,身体形态改善,增强体质,增进健康,降低TG水平,升高血脂HDL-c浓度,调节女性血脂水平,改善血脂成分,预防肥胖、心血管系统等疾病;有助于保持或提高ALT、AST、LDH、CK等参与氧化还原反应的酶的活性,提高血清NOS和SOD活性,预防心脑血管疾病和延缓衰老。

【Abstract】 Objective: To study and research the effect of aerobics exercises and combining withnutritional intervention in middle-age and young professional women and to explore themeaning of improve the health by this way.Method: The subjects of this paper are 17 professional women who take part inaerobics exercises in the gym in their spare time, aged 30-45.They are not diseasedseriously, and do not participate in sports often. Before the training, test their bodyweight, body fat percentage and BMI; blood is taken from everyone to test CLU,TC, TG, APO-A, APO-B, HDL-c, LDL-c, LDH, ALT, AST, HBDH, CK,SOD and NOS .Everyone practises aerobics exercises 60 minutes a day and 4-5 timeseach week in the afternoon following the instructor. At the same time, nutritionalintervention is came into force during the 8 weeks later blood is taken again to tset CLU,TC,TG, APO-A, APO-B, HDL-c, LDL-c, LDH, ALT, AST, HBDH, CK, SODand NOS. Use SPSS statistics software to carry on the statistical analysis.results: It shows that after the 8-weeks training and combining with nutritionalintervention, the values of TG and AST in serum are remarkably lower than thosebefore the training(P<0.01), APO-A、HDL-c are higher than before(P<0.05); there isno obvious change in the values of CLU、TC、APO-B、LDL-c、LDH、ALT、HBDH、CK in serum before and after the training(P>0.05); the value of SOD in serum ishigher than that befor the training(P<0.05), the value of NOS in serum is remarkablyhigher than that befor the training(P<0.01).Conclusion: Long term aerobics exercise and combining with nutritional intervention inmiddle-age and young professional women can help them to induce the improvement ofmetabolism and alternation of body fat; decrease their the level of the blood fat andadjust blood fat elements; can help them to maintain or enhance the level of ALT、AST、LDH、CK in blood; can raise the vigor of serum SOD and NOS; preclud disease ofcardiovascular system and delay apolexi.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】G804.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】274

