Studies on Effect of Host Plants on Population of Laodelphax Striatellus and Mechanism of Wing Dimorphism
【作者】 张宏;
【导师】 祝树德;
【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2006, 硕士
【摘要】 灰飞虱近年来在江苏省大爆发,引起水稻条纹叶枯病流行,导致水稻大面积欠收甚至失收,造成严重的经济损失。为探明灰飞虱暴发机制、灾变规律,本文系统调查了田间灰飞虱的消长动态,研究了寄主植物对灰飞虱种群的影响,及影响灰飞虱翅型分化的不同因子。主要结果如下:1.本文系统跟踪调查了田间灰飞虱的消长动态,初步探明了扬州地区灰飞虱的生活史。灰飞虱在扬州地区一年可发生5-6代。该虫以3-4龄若虫在土壤、稻茬、小麦根部、枯枝、杂草等场所越冬,3月份温度升高后越冬代若虫开始活动。4月上旬越冬代若虫开始羽化,成虫盛发于4月中、下旬。越冬代若虫和第1代灰飞虱主要为害小麦。5月中旬至6月上旬为1代灰飞虱的羽化高峰期,也是麦田成虫迁出高峰期。灰飞虱大部分转移到杂草和玉米上,随后迁飞至秧田,主要为害秧苗,后随秧苗的移栽进入大田,为害大田水稻。第2代灰飞虱发生于5月下旬至7月中旬。第3代灰飞虱发生于6月下旬至8月下旬。7月中下旬为大田灰飞虱高峰期。11月份,第5代或第6代灰飞虱3-4龄若虫越冬。2.本文探讨了不同寄主对灰飞虱种群的影响。结果表明:灰飞虱在不同寄主植物上的若虫发育历期、若虫死亡率、成虫寿命、繁殖率等都有显著差异。灰飞虱取食武粳15、稗草、小麦的种群增长指数较高,分别为43.3、31.59和28.48;取食籼稻协优63的灰飞虱种群增长指数最低,仅为0.72,协优63表现为较强的抗虫性;徐稻3号、镇稻99、扬粳9538的种群增长指数分别为7.84、12.34、15.05,也表现为一定的抗虫性。水稻不同生育期试验结果表明,苗期和分蘖期最有利于灰飞虱的生长发育。灰飞虱在玉米上不能完成整个世代,任何虫态、任何龄期都无法完成其世代,6天内全部死亡。3.本文研究了不同寄主对灰飞虱种群的影响机制。武粳15、徐稻3号、镇稻99、扬粳9568、协优63、小麦、稗草、三菱草和牛筋草等9种寄主植物的可溶性糖含量(x)与灰飞虱繁殖率(y)成极显著的正相关,其回归式为y=24057x-361.45(r=0.8710**);徐稻3号、镇稻99、扬粳9568、稗草、三菱草和牛筋草等6种寄
【Abstract】 Rice yield and economic loss were resulted in due to the serious outbreak of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen) which transmits rice stripe virus in Jiangsu province in recent years. In order to explore outbreak mechanism and disaster regulation of the fluctuation dynamic of Laodelphax striatellus was investigated systemically in fields. Effect of different host plants on population and factors of wing dimorphism were researched in this paper. The main results were as following.1. The life historic of Laodelphax striatellus was studied based on scheduled sampling in field of fluctuation dynamic. There were 5-6 generations of Laodelphax striatellus in Yangzhou area. They overwintered in 3-4 instar nympha in the soil, root of wheat, stubble, fallen leaves, weeds and other places. The overwintering nymphae of Laodelphax striatellus began to move freely when it was warm in March. The adults occurred from early in April and the peak from middle in April to late in April. The overwintering nymphae and the first generation mainly injuried wheat. The adults emergence peak of the first generation occurred from middle in May to early in June which was also the peak of Laodelphax striatellus moving out from wheat field. Most adults spread to the field of weeds and maize. Then they migrated to seedling field of rice. After seedling transplanting they migrated to rice field. The second generation occurred from late in May to middle in July and the third generation from late in June to late in August. The peak period of Laodelphax striatellus occurrence was middle in July in paddy field. The 3-4 instar nymphae of Laodelphax striatellus began to overwinter in November.2. Effect of different host plants on population of Laodelphax striatellus was researched in this paper. The results indicated that the development durations and mortality of nymphae, longevity and fecundity of adult had significant difference in different host plants. The index of population growth on Wujing 15, Echinochloa
【Key words】 Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen); population fluctuation; host plants; wing dimorphism; mechanism;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
- 【分类号】S435.112.3
- 【被引频次】16
- 【下载频次】336