

【作者】 李西臣

【导师】 鲁篱;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 银行抵销权制度作为一项重要的法律制度在我国尚未完全建立,而银行与客户权利平衡是该制度之合理建构的出发点和最终目标,因此以银行与客户权利平衡为透视点研究银行抵销权制度颇具理论和实践意义。本文尝试运用麦克尼尔的关系契约理论、银行客户处于弱势地位的理论来重新诠释银行与客户权利平衡问题,认为现代银行与客户权利平衡应当置于复杂的关系网中,充分考虑团结、合作、协商这些关系性规则,对处于弱势地位的银行客户给予充分保护。将上述重要结论运用到我国尚未建立的银行抵销权这一具体制度中,从银行与客户权利平衡这一视角思考银行抵销权制度,希望得出一些有益的结论。银行债权保护于特殊的银行业有着绝不可忽视的重要性,由于客户拖欠银行大量贷款,银行债权清偿实属不易,银行与客户权利在这一点上处于失衡状态,因此需要具有自力救济、简便、迅捷特征的银行抵销权保护银行债权。在银行抵销权制度中,由于银行抵销权的行使同样处于复杂的关系网中,牵涉多方多种利益,因此“团结、合作、协商”关系性规则同样适用,处于弱势地位的客户的权利仍然需要保护,否则银行与客户权利将再次陷入失衡。具体而言,在银行抵销权制度中,应当充分考虑关系因素,建立协商机制和程序机制,从条件、程序上限制银行抵销权的行使,赋予客户抵销异议权,加强客户自我保护意识。全文分为四章进行论述:第一章为“银行与客户权利平衡视角的正当性”。本章说明了“银行与客户权利平衡”视角选取的必要性和合理性。通过对银行抵销权研究现状的分析,指出研究存在研究视角上的缺憾。而将银行与客户权利平衡作为视角研究银行抵销权具有必要性和正当性,能够很好解决上述缺憾,使深入研究成为可能。第二章为“银行抵销权的制度分析”。本章在前一章的基础上具体分析了银行抵销权制度。通过对银行抵销权设立的实证考察和银行抵销权设立的原因分析,认为从银行与客户权利平衡角度考虑,需要一种制度来保障银行债权,银行抵销权的设立便是诸多解决方案中的

【Abstract】 The legal system ,which regulates the bank’s right of set-off, as an essential and important system, has not been set up efficiently and perfectly. For the reason that, the balance of rights between the bank and the customer is the intention and the starting point of the system, the research from the angle of the balance will be of great practical and theoretical value. This paper attempts to apply Macneil’s theory about relational contract and the theory about the weak status of the customer. Under the help of theories above-mentioned, the research on the balance of rights should consider the relational rules (unity, cooperation and consultation) and the protection of the customers. Applying the foregoing conclusions, we can infer that the bank’s set-off should be set up to protect the bank as a creditor, or the balance will fail. The bank’s set-off has the following characters: self-remedy, simple and convenient, efficient. Based on such characters, the right of set-off in bank is the best method to protect the bank as the creditor. In the system of set-off in bank, the bank and the customer are in a complicated relational net, and as a result, they are connected tightly. Consequently, the relational rules and the protection of the customers should also be emphasized, and the weak status of the customers should be changed. Further to explain, the relational factors can not be negligent, the mechanism of consultation should be established, the bank’s set-off should be restrained through terms and conditions and procedures, the customer has the dissenting right about the bank’s set-off, and the customer should be self-protecting. This paper has four chapters to discuss the above points of view.Chapter one deals with the justification of the angle that the balance between the bank and the customer. This chapter proves that such angle to do the research on the right of set-off in bank, is essential and reasonable.

  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】244

