

Innovative Research on Ideological and Political Education of Youth in State-Owned Enterprises

【作者】 王向阳

【导师】 谭振亚;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,国有企业青年思想政治教育面临新的形势。在国有企业建立健全现代企业制度、做大做强的背景下,在社会经济成分和经济利益、社会生活方式、社会组织形式、就业岗位和就业方式日益多样化的情况下,国有企业青年思想政治教育的外部环境、教育对象--青年职工的生存发展状况和思想状况都发生了新的变化。面对新形势、新变化,国企青年思想政治教育工作如何与时俱进、改进创新?如何切实增强其针对性、实效性、吸引力和感染力?对这一问题的阐释和回答就成为摆在广大国有企业青年思想政治教育工作者面前的重大现实课题。本文坚持以马克思主义理论为指导,运用现代思想政治教育学的原理和方法,在充分把握国有企业青年思想政治教育外部环境以及工作对象新变化的基础上,比较系统地阐发了国有企业青年思想政治教育创新的理念和原则:坚持以马克思主义青年观为指导,以坚持导向性、凸显主体性、体现人文性、强化服务性为基本原则,把对青年职工政治上的引导、事业上的关注和生活上的关心紧密结合起来,体现对青年职工生存和发展、成长和成才的全面关心。在此基础上,提出了“导航青年职业生涯、建设企业青年文化、构建网上青年精神家园”三条创新路径。

【Abstract】 At present, ideological and political education of youth in state-owned enterprises are facing a new situation.In the background of a sound modern enterprise system in state-owned enterprises, growth in size and strength, in the situation of socio-economic components and economic interests, social lifestyles and forms of social organization, and jobs and employment methods increasingly diverse,the external environment of ideological and political education of youth in state-owned enterprises, education target---the survival of young workers and the state of development and new changes have taken place in the situation. In the face of the new situation and new changes, how to work with the ideological and political education, how to improve and innovate? How to effectively enhance its relevance, effectiveness, and attractiveness and appeal? To explain and answer this question has become the significant practical issue before the ideological and political education of youth workers .This article upholds Marxist theory as a guide, uses modern principles and methods of the ideological and political education. In the basis of full grasp of the external environment and the new changes of the ideological and political education of youth work, it systematically analyzes the ideological and political education of youth in state-owned enterprises innovative ideas and principles : Uphold Marxism as a guide, highlight the main nature, embody the human nature, strengthen service to the basic principles of the youth workers to political guidance, cause concern and the concern life closely combine to reflect on youth workers survival and development, growth and the overall growth of interest. On this basis, the proposed "youth career navigation, construction enterprises youth culture, and create a spirit of youth online home" three innovations trails.

  • 【分类号】D412.62
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】605

