

Country Environmental Pollution Problem Analysis under the Dual Society Structure

【作者】 张健

【导师】 张金荣;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪以来,日益严峻的环境形势已经成为人类面临的严重社会问题,工业化、城市化和现代化快速发展让每个人都不得不考虑环境恶化对人类社会意味着什么。对环境问题的研究也成为学术界关注的热点问题,同时每个国家也采取了各种积极的应对政策和一系列的制度设计来试图解决这一问题。我国也通过建立相应的制度安排来治理环境污染、防止环境恶化,但是当前的制度设计都是在城乡二元社会结构发展模式下,针对大中城市环境问题建立起来的,对乡镇一级鲜有涉及。而随着城市化的发展和小城镇现代化建设的步伐加快,乡村环境也面临着严峻的考验。本文通过对乡村环境污染现状的分析指出,二元社会结构的环境制度设计是中国乡村污染日趋严重的深层社会原因,逆向乡村污染的加剧又在一定程度上强化着已有的二元社会结构,同时抑制了乡村社会缩小城乡差别的能力。文中对乡村环境与社会制度的互构过程考察,认为乡村环境保护面临着一个“制度缺失”的现状,强调要坚持可持续发展战略,倡导社会主义新农村建设,以促进城乡协调发展,进而最终建成城乡环境友好型的和谐社会。

【Abstract】 In our country, the institutions of environmental protection are mostly designed under the city-country of the dual society structure development mode currently, Which are established according to the environmental problems of big cities. On the contrary, it is a fresh area to villages as yet. Now with fast start of the civilization and modernlization, the pollution to the environment in the villages is more and more serious.In the area of sociology, the problem of environment is paid attention to by many sociologists. But it is not highlighted in the city-country of the dual society structure. The key viewpoint of the writer is that the design of the city-country of the dual society structure is the deep social reason of the pollution of villages. At the same time, the process of pollution enhances the existed social system, what is more, it has extended the difference between the city and country and repressed the ability that country society contracts the city-country difference further.One of the most important purposes of the writer’s is pointing

【关键词】 乡村环境二元社会结构制度缺失
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】430

