

The Study on NPP Simulation in Inner Mongolia and the Livestock Management in Xilinhot City

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 王道龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 生态学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以1982-2003年NOAA/AVHRR的NDVI产品和2002~2004年MODISNDVI产品为数据源,综合1982~2004年的气象数据、太阳辐射数据、土壤质地图、行政区划图、草地类型图等数据,利用优化后的CASA模型,对内蒙古草地生长季NPP变化进行了模拟,分析了IPAR、光能利用率(ε)等影响因素的时空变化和地域分异规律,以及NPP的时空变化规律;利用GRAZFEED模型对内蒙古锡林浩特市各苏木的草地载畜量进行了计算。 对草地生产力的研究表明: (1)生长季吸收的IPAR以及草地的光能利用率(ε)具有明显的季节变化和地域分异特征,4~10月IPAR和ε呈明显的单峰变化,空间上由内蒙古的东北地区向西南地区递减。 (2)不同草地类型的光能利用率(ε)不同,温性山地草甸类最大为0.287gC·MJ-1,温性荒漠类最小为0.189gC·MJ-1。 (3)内蒙古草地生长季总的NPP为24.63TgC(1Tg=1012g)。1982~1998年以来,内蒙古草地生长季的NPP呈波动中增加趋势,1998~2003年内蒙古草地生长季的NPP与90年代初期相比有所下降。1982年以来,内蒙古草地生长季的NPP年际变化比较大。 对锡林浩特市家畜空间管理模拟研究表明: (1)4~10月份乌珠穆沁羊吸收的可降解蛋白以及未降解蛋白均有不同程度的剩余,说明食物中蛋白质含量能够满足乌珠穆沁羊的生产需要。 (2)乌珠穆沁羊4、5、6月份没有补饲情况下,体重每天分别下降约51g、56g、20g;7、8、9月份,每天分别增加约7g、8g、11g;10月份,体重每天下降约26g。 (3)4、10月份温度对乌珠穆沁羊体重影响明显,需增加补饲才能抵消寒冷对其的影响。 (4)在锡林浩特市各苏木中,除了达布希勒图苏木5~9份的载畜量有一定的增加空间外,其它苏木的放牧家畜的头数都已超过草场的承载能力。

【Abstract】 Based on the time-series NOAA/AVHRR_NDVI from 1982 to 2003 and MODIS_NDVI data from 2002 to 2004, integrated with the meteorological data and the sun radiation data, In this paper Inner Mongolia grassland’s net primary production (NPP) in growing season is simulated with the modified CASA model, and the spatio-temporal change and distribution of IPAR, light use efficiency (e), and NPP are analyzed;the Animal carrying capacity of grassland in the countries of Xilinhot City is simulated by the GRAZFEED model.The study on grassland NPP shows that:(1) The IPAR and e of grass in growing season has variety in season and different regional characteristics. The IPAR and e form April to October has a single peak, and decreases from the Northeast to West south in Inner Mongolia in space scale.(2)There are differences in light use efficiency (e) value among different grass types. The e value of aerate Low-land Meadow Type is, the maximum among;temperate Desert type is 0.189 gC MJ"1, which is the minimum.temperate Low-land Meadow Type is, the maximum among all the grass typs, 0.287 gC MJ"1;The(3) The total NPP of Inner Mongolia grassland in growing season is 24. 63 TgC (1 Tg=1012 g). The NPP increased from 1982 to 1998, and decreased from 1999 to 2003 contrasted with that in early 90s. The annual variety of NPP is large since 1982.The study on livestock management in Xilinhot city shows that:(1) The production of these animals is not being limited by the concentration of protein in their diet from April to October, which is indicated by the surplus in the intake of rumen degradable protein and un-degraded protein.(2) Under no extra supplements circumstance, the weight of Ujumqin Sheep will respectively decrease about 51 g, 56 g, and 20 g each day from April to June;and it respectively increases about 7g^ 8g^ llg each day from July to September;And they will lose weight about 26g each day in October.(3)The temperature effect on the weight of Ujumqin Sheep is obvious in April and October;and it is necessary to increase the supplement to decrease the cold effect on the weight of Ujumqin Sheep.(4)The actual animal number is larger than the grassland’s carrying capacity except Dabxiltu Sumu in Xilinhot city where the animal numbers in Dabxiltu Sumu can increase from May to September.

  • 【分类号】S812
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】350

