

Obligations of the Trustee in Trust Law

【作者】 赵丽娜

【导师】 冯菊萍;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 民商法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 信托以其独特的资产分离方式使之成为符合现代社会经济效率的财产管理制度,它起源于英国,在美国得到发展并广为流行,随后大陆法系各国在立足本国实际情况的基础上,引入英美信托制度并加以改良。我国在融合英美法系和大陆法系信托制度上于2001年颁布了《中华人民共和国信托法》,鉴于我国信托法起步较晚,人们对信托制度较陌生,本文选择信托法律关系中最重要当事人——受托人为立足点,以受托人的义务规范进行论述。本文的目的就是要通过对不同国家受托人义务规定的比较分析,从不同角度进行探讨,并为完善我国信托法的相关规定提出一些建议。本文分为四个部分,先回顾信托制度的历史渊源和现今的发展,目的在于论述信托制度独特的魅力,对信托制度作一个客观上的认识——了解什么是信托、信托的价值;转而从历史角度分析作为信托当事人之一的受托人角色的变迁和义务的转变。第二部分是介绍两个法系对信托概念的理解,其中还包括1985年国际私法会上通过的《关于信托的承认及其法律适用的国际公约》中信托的定义和特征,为不同法系国家承认信托和确定信托适用的准据法提供一些规则,特别为大陆法系国家提供一个可行的办法用以解决在引进信托时遭遇的法律冲突,以及对受托人的简要概述。第三部分为文章的重点,作者通过查阅英美法系信托法中有关受托人义务的资料,结合大陆法系引入信托制度的主要国家(包括日本、韩国和我国台湾地区)的信托法研究,详细论述了受托人的各项主要义务。该部分根据不同的义务细分为5个小节:按照信托文件处理信托事务的义务、谨慎义务、忠实义务、分别管理义务和亲自管理义务。文章的第四部分对我国《信托法》上有关受托人义务的规定进行了评析,指出了我国立法上存在的不足,并结合前面几个部分对受托人义务的全面分析,对如何完善我国《信托法》的相关制度进行了深入的探讨,提出一些完善受托人义务的建议和想法,力图为我国信托法的发展与完善提供一些力所能及的见解。

【Abstract】 Trusts are unique vehicles of property separation that exemplify economic efficiency in modern-day wealth management. Originated from Britain and popularized in the US, trusts were adopted by countries under the civil law system and subsequently improved by the introduction of American and British trust laws.In 2001 our nation merged common law and civil law practices and issued Trust Law of The People’s Republic of China. Notwithstanding the late start and the novelty of trust law, this dissertation chooses“trustee”, the most important character in trust law, as the starting point for elaboration concerning the obligations of the trustee. This dissertation aims to compare the different obligations of“the trustee”in different countries, to analyze such differences from different perspectives, and, last but not least, to provide suggestions for perfecting the trust law in our countryThis dissertation consists of four parts. The first begins with the discussion of the history and the modern development of trusts and studies their unparallel allure, essence and merits. Then the author proceeds to analyze the changing role of the trustee and the transformation of related obligations from a historic perspective.The second part introduces the interpretations of the trust by the two law systems and includes the definitions and attributes of trusts as detailed in Convention On The Law Applicable To Trusts and On Their Recognition in 1985, which provided universal legal frameworks for countries under different law systems, solutions for disputes concerning trusts and succinct descriptions for trusteeship.The third part is the focal point of the whole dissertation. Through examining sections in common law concerning the obligations of the trustee and merging them with research concerning trust law in countries and regions under the civil law system (such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan), the author addresses the main obligations of the trustee in detail and breaks them down into 5 categories: duty to manage trusts in accordance with trust arrangements, duty of prudence, duty of loyalty, duty of separate management and duty of direct management.The fourth part analyzes and reviews the obligations of the trustee in the Trust Law of our country. It attempts to point out the legislative inadequacy in trust law and to discuss ideas for perfecting the Trust Law of our nation.

【关键词】 受托人谨慎义务忠实义务
【Key words】 TrusteeDuty of prudenceDuty of loyalty
  • 【分类号】D922.282
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】420

