

Reasonable Regulation on the Commencement of Retrial Procedure Unfavorable to the Defendant

【作者】 陈德锋

【导师】 叶青;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 诉讼法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的刑事诉讼法修改论证工作正在紧张的进行之中,其中,不利于被告人的再审程序由于其在司法实践中存在的问题以及作为诉讼价值目标冲突的最集中体现之处,如何对其进行修改也就成了本次刑事诉讼法修改论证工作的重点与热点部分。与此同时,法律工作者和法学研究者们也都见仁见智,各自提出了自己的想法与建议,且不乏理论与现实支持。笔者认为,对于不利于被告人的再审程序的改革,应立足于我国国情,同时放眼世界,实现国外优秀法律文化与本土资源的相结合。本文的写作亦是基于此种思路,将全文分为三个部分:导言、本论与结语。导言。通过本次刑事诉讼法的修改论证工作中法律、法学界对不利于被告人的再审程序进行改革的呼声中,引出本文的核心论题:是否应当对不利于被告人的再审程序的提起进行规制以及如何进行合理规制?本论。此为论文的本体部分,分为五章加以论述:第一章通过对不利于被告人的再审程与一事不再理原则的价值分析,以及二者之间的价值平衡关系的论证,解决了该领域主要的法理问题。第二章分析了我国目前不利于被告人的再审程序的立法与司法现状,以及这种再审制度存在的问题,并对隐藏在问题背后的深层次原因进行阐述。第三章对法国和德国不利于被告人的再审程序作简要介绍,并对二者进行比较与评析,使我们对一事不再理原则有了更深入的了解,以期对重构我国不利于被告人的再审程序有所裨益。第四章通过以上篇幅的考证,指出了对国外不利于被告人的再审程序进行借鉴的模式与借鉴的可行性。承上启下,引出本文的重点部分:合理规制不利于被告人的再审程序的提起。第五章总结全文,具体论证了如何在我国重构再审制度,对不利于被告人的再审程序的提起进行合理规制。结语。从总体上对论文的基本观点进行简要回顾,建议在《刑事诉讼法》修改之时,从立法上对不利于被告人的再审程序进行合理规制。同时,为改革我国的再审制度呐喊助威,克服各种阻力,最终创建出有中国特色的“一事不再理”制度,实现自由、秩序、公正和效益等价值目标的完美协调。

【Abstract】 The criminal procedure law of us China is in the intense process of amendment and argumentation. The retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant, in respect of problems arising in its practice, represents mostly the conflict among various litigant values and its amendment turns to be a key and hot point as well. The academic and practical circles see a variety of thoughts and suggestion with theoretic and practical support.The writer thinks that the reform on the retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant should be based on the current situation of our country and also connected with the international environment with a hope to achieve a combination between the foreign excellent legal cultures and our local resource. Guided by this idea, the thesis is divided into three parts, namely the introduction, text and conclusion.Through introduction of the current call from the academic and practical circles on reforming the retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant during this round of amendment and argumentation on the criminal procedure law, the introduction gives a brief illustration on the core issue of this thesis, that’s how to regulate reasonably the commencement of retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant?The text consists of five chapters as follows:The first chapter, through analysis on the value of retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant and the principle of“non bis in idem”, and argumentation on the value balance between the two, solves the main problem concerning legal theory in this field.The second chapter, after introducing the current legislature and judicature of the retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant, and analyzing the problem arising at present, tries to detect the deeper reason behind the superficial level.The third chapter, based on a brief introduction on the retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant of France and German, and a comparison and differentiation between the two, achieves a further knowledge on the principle of“non bis in idem”, aiming to be of some help for the re-construction of our retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant.The fourth chapter, on the base of the discussion above, explicates the mode of learning from the foreign system on retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant and illustrates the eligibility of learning from abroad. Acting as a channel to connect the part above and below, this chapter leads to the key part of this thesis, namely the reasonable regulation on commencement of the retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant.The fifth chapter, as a final chapter, demonstrates in details how to reconstruct the retrial system of our country and how to regulate reasonably the commencement of retrial procedure unfavorable to the defendant.Finally, the conclusion part, based on a brief review on the basic points of this thesis, gives a suggestion concerning the proposition from the level of legislature during the amendment of the criminal procedure law. Meanwhile, the ultimate goal is set to help propagating the reform on our retrial system, establish a system of“non bis in idem”with Chinese characteristics despite mounts of pressures, and furthermore, realize the perfect harmony among various value goals as the freedom, order, justice and efficiency.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】97

