

Study of China’s System of Habitation Right

【作者】 郭士丽

【导师】 王跃龙;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 居住权是一项古老的制度,对其可追溯到古罗马时代。罗马法设置居住权制度的初衷,是通过给予特定人一定期限或终生的占有使用房产的办法,解决不能继承家产而生存的特殊需要。现代的德国、法国、意大利、瑞士等国家的民法典,都有对居住权制度的规定。我国现行民事法律制度仅限于采用所有权及房屋租赁、借贷的法则来调整非所有人对他人房屋以及附着物的利用关系,没有确认居住权制度。现实生活对于居住权制度提出了立法要求,审判实践中对于居住权加以保护,但是却缺乏法律依据,造成“实质正义”与“形式正义”上的矛盾。2002年12月由全国人大法工委编纂公布的《中国物权法征求意见稿》首次规定了居住权制度,引起了学者的热烈讨论。本文主要是对我国居住权制度的构建的相关问题做一探究,并对我国的《物权法草案》中关于居住权的相关规定进行了评析。文章由导言、正文、结语组成。正文共分为四章:第一章,是关于居住权制度的概述,分为“概念、性质和特征”三个方面进行论述,为后面分析我国建立居住权制度的必要性和构建居住权制度的设想提供理论依据。这部分介绍了居住权传统的概念和目前我国学界的定义,在分析总结了不同的居住权定义的特点之后,本文将居住权界定为:居住权是指以特定人居住为目的,对他人的住房及其附属设施享有占有、使用并排除他人干涉的权利。性质上,居住权是一种物权、是他物权中的用益物权、属于役权制度中的人役权;具有主体上的“自然人性”、时间上的期限性和不可转让性等特征。第二章,论述了我国建立居住权制度的必要性。从以下四个方面进行了阐述:居住权的设立是保障基本人权的内在要求;保障社会弱势群体——老人、未成年人、离婚的男方或女方对房屋的居住权益;针对我国房屋资源紧缺的现状,设立居住权有利于实现对房屋的最大化利用或使用;从居住权与其他相关权利——房屋租赁权、典权、借用权的比较中,可以看出它们功能上的不同,居住权这种物权性的权利不可被其他权利所替代。第三章,我国居住权制度的设立与消灭,本文对此进行了重点论述。首先介绍了国外居住权的立法体例,提出我国应该采用的居住权立法体例:在用益物权章、用益权一节,专设独立的居住权,并规定在居住权未有特别规定时,适用用益权的有关规定。在此体例基础上,详细阐述了意定设立、法定设立、裁定设立居住权适用的具体情形。列举了八种居住权消灭的原因,并设计了居住权消灭的法律后果。第四章,居住权的效力。此部分也是本文论述的重点部分。分为三节进行阐述:居住权人的权利义务、房屋所有权人的权利义务以及居住权的法律保护。在论述居住权人和房屋所有权人的权利义务时,先归纳总结了国外的相关立法,以此为借鉴,提出了我国居住权人的五大主要权利、六项主要义务;房屋所有权人的四大主要权利、五项主要义务。对侵犯居住权的行为,设计了房屋返还请求权、妨碍排除请求权、妨害防止请求权、损害赔偿请求权的法律保护措施。

【Abstract】 Habitation is an ancient system that can be traced back to the ancient Rome times. The establishment of habitation in Roman law is to the weak party’s demands. Actually, now we can find provisions concerning habitation in many countries’civil codes, such as Germany, France, Italy,Switzerland, etc. Currently, civil law system of our country is limited by the adoption the rule of the house ownership,lease and borrow to adjust the relation which non-owner make use of the other’s house and the attachment ,but have not confirm habitation. On one hand, the reality has put forward the legislative requests for the habitation system, on the other hand, there is nothing we can count for in the code when we want to protect the concerning system in the trial practice, which results in the conflict between“substance justice”and“formal justice”.As a new kind of civil right, it arises many different ideas from scholars. When drafting the“property law”in our country , this dissertation is mainly to make a research on the related problems of the legislation of habitation and comment on the provisions of habitation in The Draft of The Chinese Real Right Law for Comment. The dissertation consists of the introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into four parts totally:Chapter 1 gives a brief account of the institution of habitation. Firstly, it provided a background for discussing the essentiality of establishing the institution of right of habitation and drawing off a framework of the institution of right of habitation. This part introduced the traditional concept of habitation and the definition of our country’s academic circles currently. After summarizing the different concepts of right of habitation, we define habitation as the right to occupy、use and eliminate interference by others with the aim of dwelling of special person.Through analysis, the writer holds that habitation is a kind of real right, a kind of usufructuary right and a kind of personal servitude right of servitudes system. The three characteristics of habitation system are that the subject must be a person, there is a time limit and it is unconvertible.Chapter 2 focuses on the essentiality of establishing the institution of right of habitation. It is discussed through four points: Firstly, establishing habitation is a kind of basic human rights. The establishment of habitation system benefits guaranteeing this basic human right. Secondly, the institution of habitation will do benefit to the disadvantaged groups—old people, nonage, divorce’s side who have no house to live. Offering those people with the right of habitation embodies the protection of the minority community. Establishment of habitation is advantageous for realizing the fully use of the house. By comparing habitation with other related rights—right of house lease, right to pawn, and right of loan for use, we can see the dissimilarity of their function, and come to the conclusion that they can’t take the place of habitation..Chapter 3, habitation system’s establishment and extermination in our country, is the core of this dissertation. Firstly, the writer makes the legislative orientation of habitation in the property law. The writer thinks habitation should be in the property law, included as an independent part in section one - the rule of usufruct of the usufructuary right chapter. And, relevant provisions of the usufructuary right will be applied when there is no special provision. Through reviewing the legislation of Germany, France, Switzerland, etc. the writer discusses in detail the three setting models in our courtry: by-will, by law and by adjudication. Finally, the writer enumerates eight kinds of causes of extermination and designs the result of habitation exterminate.Chapter 4 is the effect of habitation. This part is divided into three sections: the right and duty of habitation person, the right and duty of the house owner, the legal protection of habitation. The author puts forward five items of right and six items of obligation of the party with habitation right, four items of right and five items of obligation of the house owner. Finally, the right of returning the required property, the right of the requirement of clearing obstacle, the prevention of the requirement of clearing obstacle and the right of requirement of remedy for damage occurs when the right of habitation is violated by the owner or the third party.

【关键词】 物权用益物权居住权
【Key words】 Real RightUsufructuary RightHabitation
  • 【分类号】D923.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】311

