

Design of a Specially Spherical-Glowing Optical Fiber

【作者】 王田虎

【导师】 毛海涛; 李方正;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪70年代初美国康宁公司成功地研制出世界上第一根实用化石英光纤以来,以光纤为媒介的光纤通信以及由此派生出来的光纤传输技术得到了飞速的发展。近年来,随着光纤传输技术的研究不断深入,其特性及其应用愈来愈受到重视,尤其在医疗、测量及装饰方面的应用受到人们的关注。本论文通过对国内外各种光纤技术的调研和比较,针对目前光纤医学中所用的球形输出光纤出光不够均匀,大大影响了它的医疗效果。本文在本实验室现有条件的基础上,设计研制了一种特殊球形光纤,具有一定的现实意义和应用价值。本论文的主要内容如下:1.分析了光在光纤中传输的基本理论和光纤技术的特点,对光纤技术和光纤传输理论进行了详细的阐述。2.分析了光纤传输特性,并着重指出了损耗和色散是影响光纤传输的主要性能指标,损耗限制系统的传输距离,色散则限制系统的传输容量。3.设计研制了一种特殊球形输出光纤,实验中采用大芯径石英光纤,利用光纤熔接机对石英光纤端面进行熔球,在圆球形端面上均匀涂上光散射体,对所得的球形端面再次进行熔球,从而得到所需要的输出光纤。4.设计了测试系统,并对研制的球形输出光纤进行测试,实验证明,所研制的球形输出光纤各个角度出光均匀,其中球形输出光纤侧面输出功率比原来提高了约5倍,能够满足光纤医学的需要。

【Abstract】 Since the Corning company of USA has succeed in developing the first practical silicon optical fiber in the world at the beginning of the seventies of the 20th century, the optical fiber communication taking optical fiber as media and optical fiber transmission technology has been fast developed. In recent years, as the research of the transmission technology of optical fiber is being deepened constantly, its characteristics and using has been paid attention to by the people, especially in the medical treatment, application of respect of measuring and decorating.Through surveying and studying and comparing on domestic and international and of different optical fiber technology, the spherical-glowing optical fiber is not enough in luminance in medicine at the present, and it has influenced its medical result greatly. On the basis of existing condition, this laboratory develops a study of specially spherical-glowing optical fiber. So this way has some realistic meaning and research value. The main content of this text is as follows:1. The basic theory and optical fiber technology transmission in the optical fiber are detail discussed.2. The characteristics of the optical fiber transmission theory are offered, and pointing out emphatically the loss and the chromatic dispersion is the main performance indexes which influence the optical fiber transmission. The loss limits the distance of the optical fiber transmission systematic, The chromatic dispersion limits the capacity of systematic transmission.3. A new study of specially spherical-glowing optical fiber is present in this paper, A large core silica optical fiber is melt the ball and is spread all scattering body evenly on the round spherical terminal surface, which is melt the ball to the spherical terminal surface again, thus getting the output optical fiber needed.4. Designing the system of testing the specially spherical-glowing optical fiber.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】TN818
  • 【下载频次】99

