

【作者】 崔毅琦

【导师】 童雄;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 金是一种贵重的稀有金属,除了可作为国际通用货币、首饰和装饰品外,在现代工业技术中也有广泛用途。它在国民经济发展中有着重要地位,在人类政治、经济、文化生活中起着重要作用。 氰化法在18世纪末开始应用于提金工业,提金回收率高,效果好,而且可实现就地产金,属于湿法冶金工艺,是一种现代化的提金技术,广泛地应用于世界各地的金、银矿山。目前,全世界大部分金是用碱性氰化法从金矿石中提取的。碱性氰化法之所以被人们普遍接受,主要是由于它工艺过程简单,多数情况下技术经济指标也令人满意。但随着深度开采,矿石中的杂质含量增加,在氰化过程中,这些物质会消耗氧和氰化物,导致浸出率下降。为保持较高的金回收率,需要增加氰化物用量,从而使氰化过程变得不经济,并且对环境带来巨大影响。因此,研究进一步加快浸出速度和降低氰化物的用量,以及采用更有效的方法处理含硫、铜、砷、锑等杂质较多的金矿石,对氰化提金工艺具有重要的现实意义。 近年来,针对氰化浸出工艺的缺点,从化学药剂方面(添加辅助药剂)研究强化浸出,提高浸出效果,减少氰化物用量,促进吸附,这已经成为重要的研究方向,也是化学方面实现氰化工艺最佳化的一条重要途径。化学药剂助浸已显示出良好的效果和应用前景,显示出巨大的优越性,继续深入研究有可能带来新的突破,对实现我国黄金资源的有效利用,使金矿资源可持续发展,具有重要的实际价值和经济意义。 本论文进行了两部分研究: 第一部分:该部分以山东某金矿的浮选金精矿为研究对象,进行了小型试验并找出较为适合的辅助药剂,考察了各种因素对金、银浸出的影响。达到了降低氰化物耗量,提高技术指标和经济效益的目的。 第二部分:结合实际课题并针对所处理的矿石,研究矿石中伴生组份对氰化浸金的影响,对铵盐的浸出和吸附作用机理等进行了详细、深入的探讨。

【Abstract】 Gold is a kind of valuable rare metal, besides be international general currency, jewelry and ornament, in modern industrial technology, there is also extensive use. It has important position in the development of national economy, plays an important role in human political, economic, cultural life.The cyanidation started to be applied to leach gold in the end of 18th century, which is effective, and can realize produce right on the spot, belongs to hydrometallurgy craft. It is a kind of modernization of leaching gold technique, broadly applied in the gold, silver mine all over the world. Currently, most of gold in the whole world was recovered from the gold ores by using an alkaline cyaniding method. The reason that the alkaline cyaniding process is been widespread, mainly is its craft process simple, under most conditions the technical and economic index are satisfactory. But as the increase of the mine depth, the miscellaneous quality content in the ores increases, in the cyaniding process, these materials will consume oxygen and cyanide, causing to recovery descending. In order to keep a recovery rate, the cyanide increases continuously, making the cyaniding process become uneconomical, and bring huge influence to the environment. Therefore it have important realistic meaning to study a leaching gold craft that is effective and lower the dosage of cyanide further, and adopt a more valid method processing to recovery containing a miscellaneous quality more gold ores with the sulphur, copper, arsenic..etc..In recent years, for the weakness of the cyanidation, the research(increase an assistance reagent) enhances to leach using the chemistry reagent, exaltation leaching result, reducing cyanide dosage, promoting to adsorb, this has already become an important research direction. It is also an important way that the chemistry carries out a cyanide processing craft to optimize. Chemistry medicine’s helping to leach has already displayed good result and applied foreground, display huge superiority. The thorough research would bring new breakthrough probably, make use of the gold resources effectively and keep on the development of the gold resources, which have important actual value and economic meaning.This thesis includes two parts of researches:The first parts, some gold mine in Shandong floatation gold concentrate was researched, we carried on laboratory experiment, found out an assistance reagent and investigated the influences of various factors on the gold, silver leaching. We gained our ends of lowering cyanide quantity, improving the technical index and economic benefits.The second part, Aiming at the experiment ores, we discussed the influence of a set of the companion livings to gold leaching in ammoniacal cyanide process and leaching and adsorption mechanism etc. to ammoniacal cyanide process.

【关键词】 氰化浸出氨氰法吸附
【Key words】 CyanidationAmmoniacal cyanide processGoldSilverAmmoniumAdsorb
  • 【分类号】TD95
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】493

