

The Research on the Mechanics Properties of Plybamboo Material and Structure

【作者】 吕雁

【导师】 程赫明;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 工程力学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国开展的大规模经济建设中,木材资源渐感不敷应用,各地建筑工程部门纷纷采用竹材,作为木材主要代用品之一,且竹材成材快,竹材及竹复合材料的应用渐受重视,开展竹材的研究与应用已经日益成为重要的课题。竹胶合板是一种轻质、高强、多功能的新型建筑材料,论文从等厚等宽竹胶合板的弯曲试验出发,对竹胶合板材料的部分力学性能及竹胶合板结构体系进行了理论研究。 竹材力学性能研究是竹复合材料的基础研究工作之一。论文首先介绍竹胶合板弯曲试验设计、试验原理及试验过程;根据试验数据获取竹胶合板的弯曲弹性模量、剪切弹性模量、抗弯强度等力学性能;进行竹胶合板试件弯曲弹性模量、剪切弹性模量、抗弯强度的理论计算;比较了理论计算值与试验测试值,讨论了主要的研究结果和结论;结合试验,分析了不同跨度的竹胶合板试件的破坏机理,提出相应的改进措施。 针对在试验中出现侧向失稳的现象,以钢结构设计规范中梁整体稳定的基本理论为依据,引入梁丧失整体稳定的临界弯矩计算公式,计算竹胶合板结构梁的临界弯矩;将临界弯矩试验值与理论计算值进行比较,验证了计算公式对分析竹胶合板构件整体稳定问题的可行性;分析影响竹胶合板构件整体稳定的因素,提出了加强竹胶合板构件整体稳定相关措施的几点建议;结合某具体工程,浅尝性的研究了竹胶合板结构体系的基础、楼地面结构、屋面结构、墙体结构的作法及其竹胶合板结构的传力方式、设计方法等;按照《建筑结构设计规范统一标准》并参照《木结构设计规范》来确定竹胶合板的抗弯设计强度值、构件的受弯承载力验算和挠度验算等;介绍了竹胶合板结构构件的两种连接形式;阐述了竹胶合板结构节点的力学特性,包括节点的形式、节点的刚性等方面理论研究。

【Abstract】 With the large-scale economic developments in our country, the timber resources gradually feels to be not enough to apply, many locality construction engineering section adopts the material of bamboo, being used as the one of the main substitutes in timber. And bamboo becomes mature quickly. The application of the material of bamboo and bamboo composite is gradually valued. Begin the research of bamboo has become an increasingly important lesson. Based on the bend experiment of the ply-bamboo rectangular beams, part mechanics properties of the plybamboo material and structure are researched in this dissertation.The mechanics properties research on the bamboo material is one of the foundation research works of bamboo and bamboo composite, the following contents are analyzed — the design theory, principle and process of the plybamboo bend experiment. The elasticity modulus and bend strength are calculating according to the testing data. Then these results are compared to the calculating result based on the theories formula. In addition, the destroyed model of the plybamboo samples during the experiment is observed, and then some corresponding measures are suggested.Aim at the overall flexural-torsional buckling phenomenon during experiment, critical moment formula and theory of steel structure is availed to calculating and analyzed the plybamboo structure. Then the test results are analyzed and compared with the theory result, in order to validate the feasibility of this method. Therefore, the factors effects to the overall flexural-torsional buckling are analyzed, and then some measures are advised. According to some practice engineering project, the plybamboo structure is tentatively researched including the constructing of foundation, floor, roof, wall structure and the transfer of the load. Finally, according to "Code and unify standard for design of building structure" and "Code for design of timber structure", the design strength values and bend strength and deforming are analyzed. Two connecting methods of the plybamboo structure are introduced, and then the mechanics properties of the concentration of node are researched.

  • 【分类号】TB332
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】449

