

【作者】 李雨健

【导师】 燕永锋;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国矿业遇到了空前的生存和发展危机,如资源枯竭、劳动生产率低下、产品竞争力差、环境污染严重等。造成这种状况的主要原因在于矿业投入不足,技术装备和方法落后。如何更直观更精确地圈定矿体边界、了解地下地质体的三维形态、准确地解译和圈定地下地质体以及快速地计算矿体储量和掌握矿体空间的品位分布规律,来指导矿产资源的有效开发利用,便是传统矿业所面临的难题。然而,实现矿山数字化正是解决这些问题的有效途径。 “矿山数字化”就是对现时矿山一切数字的表征,也就是应用计算机信息技术把与矿区地理、矿体地质、矿产开发有关的所有信息,以地理坐标为标准集成起来,并通过数字分析研究,查明这些数据间的有机联系,从而建立完整的矿山信息模型,来达到充分合理开发利用资源的目的。 云南兰坪铅锌矿是我国最大的铅锌矿,但是各个生产环节还都处于原始状态,所以对该矿山进行数字化是相当必要的。本文在对矿床数字化的理论与方法及相关的国内外矿业软件综述基础上,通过对该矿床的架崖山矿段地质特征进行充分分析和研究,运用自行研制的大型“矿床数学-经济模型软件包”,以国外矿业软件Surpac和Micrmine为辅助,结合兰坪铅锌矿矿山的实际需求,建立了兰坪铅锌矿架崖山矿段矿床数学经济模型,并对相关的重要技术经济指标进行了分析与研究,最终取得了如下成果: (1) 首次在兰坪铅锌矿架崖山矿段建立了矿床数学-经济模型,实现了矿体各有用信息的数字化和可视化。 (2) 通过建立的矿床数学经济模型,实现了对资料数据的动态查询、动态多方案圈定矿体、计算储量和计算机自动成图等功能的动态管理。 (3) 在矿床数学化研究基础上,通过对矿体的外部特征、内部构造及组分的空间变化规律的研究,为资源充分合理利用提供了科学依据。 (4) 通过对矿床技术经济的分析研究,对该矿段矿体进行了合理圈定并计算了储量,确定了盈亏平衡地质品位和矿石的综合品位,从而减少了资源和资金的浪费,提高矿山的经济效益。

【Abstract】 Recently, our minings fell across unprecedented survival and developed crisises: resource shortage, labour productivity lowlihead, manufacture’s capability to compete low, environmental deterioration and so on. Mining undercapitalization, technology and means lag are the mostly causes. It is difficult for traditional mining industry to determine the ore body boundary more accurately and visually, learn about 3D formation of the geologic body underground, interpret and determine the geologic body underground accurately, calculate ore deposits with high speed, grasp the spatial grade distribution law of the ore body, so that it can instruct us in exploring the mineral resources effectively. However, the realization of mine digitaled is the effective approach to resolve these problems."mine digitaled" is the token of the mine whole numbers nowadays, that is, geographical coordinate as the criterion for integrating all information about diggings geography, ore-body geology, minaral deposits exploiting which is dealed with mineral deposits mathematic-economic model and computer information technology, studied thought numeral analysis, organic relations between these data are found out, thereby intact mine information model are established, so as to achieve the aim to exploit and utilize resource adequately and in reason.Lanping Pb-Zn mines of YunNan province is the biggest Pb-Zn mine of China. However, every produce tache is in aboriginality, so it is necessary for the mine to digitaled. The paper gives a brief introduction on theory and means of orebed digitaled and interrelated mining software in domestic and international. On the basis of systematic analysis and research on Jiayashan ore segment, with the mathematic-economic model software bag developed by our library, via the special software Surpac and Micrmine, on the need of the Lanping Pb-Zn mine, the mathematic-economic model of the deposit has been established in Lanping pb-zn mine Jiayashan ore segment. Correlative important technological and economic guide lines have been analyzed and studied. At last, some fruits have been achieved:(1) For the first time, the mathematic-economic model of Lanpingpb-zn mine has been established , digitated and visualed of all kinds of useful information on ore body have been realized.(2) After the mathematic-economic model of the deposit established, dynamic inquery of data can be carried though, ore body can be determined through dynamic alternative schemes, digital data of the deposit can be sciencly analysised, dealed with, auto drowinged or shortcut calculated with computer, and refered to reserves report forms,Dynamic manage of most manufacture of mine can be realized.(3) After the mathematic-economic model of the deposit established, exterior character, interior construct and interspace change rule of every composition of ore body can be easily observed, resource can be exploitured having a definite object in view so as to achieve the aim of making use of mineral resources in reason.(4) With technology and economy analysis and study on the deposits, the ore segment ore-body are determined in reason and calculated mineral reserves, ptofit and loss evenly geology grade and ore synthesis grade are ascertained, consequently, reduce the waste of resourse and finance, improve the production benefits.

  • 【分类号】P618.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】302

