

Measuring HO-1 in Cord Blood of Full Term SGA and Its Expression in Cord Vessels

【作者】 邵勤

【导师】 戎小平;

【作者基本信息】 河北医科大学 , 儿科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:小于胎龄儿(small for gestational age, SGA)不仅出生体重低下、发育迟缓,其产时窒息、颅内出血、脑缺氧损害、生后代谢障碍及先天畸形的发生率高,围生期死亡率是适于胎龄儿(appropriate for gestational age, AGA)的10倍,并可发生体格发育、神经行为及智力落后,因此进行这方面的研究对于进一步探讨小于胎龄儿的病因,开展小于胎龄儿的防治,降低围生期死亡率,提高其生存质量将具有重要意义。血红素氧合酶(heme oxygenase, HO)是催化血红素生成一氧化碳(CO)、胆绿素和铁的限速酶,其中CO是一种新型的神经递质,参与多种生理功能的调节,且能舒张血管,抑制血小板聚集;胆绿素可进一步代谢为胆红素,此两者均为强大的抗氧化剂,能保护组织细胞免受氧化损伤。已有资料证实血红素氧合酶(HO)能增加子宫胎盘的血流灌注,加速血管生成,保护胎盘组织细胞,而充足的子宫胎盘血流灌注是胎儿健康发育的前提。但是目前国内外对HO的研究多集中在成人方面或动物实验阶段,尚未见到有关HO-CO系统与小于胎龄儿发病关系研究的相关报道。本研究通过检测健康足月儿及足月小于胎龄儿脐血中HO-1的活性,血浆碳氧血红蛋白(HbCO)的百分含量,并观察HO-1在脐血管上的表达,研究:⑴新生儿脐血中HO-1活性、HbCO百分含量及其与出生体重的关系;⑵新生儿脐

【Abstract】 Objective: Small for gestational age (SGA), is born not only with low birth weight, growth retardation, high risk of asphyxia during delivery, intracranial hemorrhage, brain hypoxia injury, barrier in metabolism and congenital malformation, 10 times the perinatal mortality of appropriate for gestational age (AGA), but also with possibility of delayed development in physique, neuro-action and brainpower. Therefore research on disease cause, prophylaxis and treatment of SGA, decreasing perinatal mortality is of great significance. Heme Oxygenase (HO) is the speed-limit enzyme that generates carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin and Fe in the course of heme metabolism. CO is a new kind of neurotransmission that is involved in adjustment of many kinds of physiological functions, inducement blood vessels relaxation and inhibition of platelet aggregation. Biliverdin can reduce to bilirubin. They are both anti-oxidant, protecting cell against oxidative damage. Investigations have already shown that HO can increase blood stream into uterus placenta, accelerate the formation of blood vessels, and protect placenta histiocyte. Enough blood stream into uterus placenta is the prerequisite for healthy growth of a fetus. Internal and external researches mainly focus on adults or

  • 【分类号】R722
  • 【下载频次】49

