

【作者】 欧阳丹薇

【导师】 高建平; 李青山;

【作者基本信息】 山西医科大学 , 药物化学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 岩青兰(Dracocephalum rupestre Hance.)系唇形科青兰属植物,又名毛建草、毛尖、毛尖茶。在我国广泛分布于辽宁、山西、内蒙古、河北及青海等地,尤其是山西省西北地区山地疏林下,分布面积更为丰富。为了进一步搞清岩青兰的化学成分,更好的开发利用这一药用植物资源,本课题对岩青兰的化学成分进行了研究。 本文第一部分内容为岩青兰地上部分的化学成分研究。 本课题对山西神池产岩青兰地上部分的乙醇提取物进行了初步研究,通过运用硅胶、聚酰胺、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱方法,进行分离纯化,从中分离得到了9个化合物,利用化学方法和波谱方法(IR、MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR),与标准品对照和文献报道的相应图谱数据比较,鉴定了全部结构,分别为:3,13-二羟基-乌苏烷-28,13-内酯(3,13-dihydroxy-ursan-28,13-olide,Ⅰ)、木犀草素(luteolin,Ⅱ)、北美圣草素-7-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(eriodictyol-7-O-β-D-glucoside,Ⅲ)、齐墩果酸(oleanolic acid,Ⅳ)、白桦脂酸(betulinic acid,Ⅴ)、β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol,Ⅵ)、β-胡萝卜苷(β-daucosterol,Ⅶ)、硬脂酸(stearic acid,Ⅷ)和正十八醇十八酸酯(n-octadecyl octadecate,Ⅸ)。其中Ⅰ、Ⅳ、Ⅷ和Ⅸ为首次从该植物中得到。此研究为进一步有效、合理开发利用岩青兰奠定了基础。 本文第二部分综述了青兰属植物的种属地理分布,该属植物所含化学成分的类型,并对青兰属植物的药理作用进行了简单概述。 唇形科青兰属(Dracocephalum)全世界约有60余种,主要分布在亚洲温带,多在高山及半干旱地区。我国约有32种7变种,分布于东北、华北、西北及西南。青兰属植物化学成分主要包括挥发油类、黄酮及黄酮苷类、植物甾醇及三萜类、有机酸及其酯类等,其中挥发油部分和黄酮类化合物是青兰属植物的主要有效部位。现代研究表明,该属植物除了具有抗菌、平喘、止咳等作用,还对预防和治疗心血管疾病有一定作用,对低氧环境下动物的某些器官和组织有保护作用。

【Abstract】 Dracocephalum rupestre Hance. is a plant widely distributed in Liaoning, Shanxi, Neimeng, Hebei, Qinghai Province, which belongs to Labiatae family. It is also called Mao Jian Cao, Mao Jian, Mao Jian Cha. In order to further ulilize the resource, the studies on the constituents of Dracocephalum rupestre Hance. were carried out.In the first part of this dissertation, the chemical study of Dracocephalum rupestre Hance was carried out. 9 compounds were isolated from the aerial part of Dracocephalum rupestre Hance. by chromatography with silica gel, polyamide and Sephadex LH-20. The structures were elucidated by chemical reactions, IR, MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and by comparing with some authentic samples or standard spectral data of the known compounds reported in the literatures. These structures were proposed as following:(I) 3,13-dihydroxy-ursan-28,13-olide, (II) luteolin, (III) eriodictyol-7-O-β-D-glucoside, (IV) oleanolic acid, (V) betulinic acid, (VI) p-sitosterol, (VII) 3-daucosterol, (VIII) stearic acid, (IX) n-octadecyl octadecate. Compounds I, IV, VIII and IX were obtained from Dracocephalum rupestre Hance. for the first time.In the second part, the chemical and bioactivities of Dracocephalum plants were surveyed. Dracocephalum is a large genus of more than 60 species in the world, distributed all over Asia. There are 32 species in our country, which are distributed in the northeast, northwest, and southwest. The main chemical constituents of Dracocephalum plants are volatile oils, flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoids, organic acid and esters, respectively. It was reported that Dracocephalum plants had the function of antibacterial, suppressing asthma and relieving cough, some of which were found to prevent cardiovascular disease and to protect some organ and tissue of animals in the hypoxia environment.

  • 【分类号】R284
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】281

