

Oscillating Chemical Reactions and Their Applications in the Analytical Chemistry

【作者】 王蕾

【导师】 杨武; 高锦章;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 分析化学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 非平衡非线性现象广泛存在于自然界,其中化学振荡因具有特殊的宏观现象和反应机理,近年来逐渐成为研究热点。特别是关于经典的化学振荡反应和液膜振荡体系的研究,已从单纯振荡反应的设计和探讨扩展到了分析应用领域。本文研究了应用B-Z振荡反应检测金属铟离子和镉离子,以及一种液膜振荡体系。论文由四部分组成:第一部分化学振荡反应新体系的发现及其在分析中的应用综述了化学振荡反应发展简史,对几类常见的化学振荡反应体系及其机理给予详细的评述,简要展望了化学振荡反应的发展前景。第二部分应用B-Z振荡反应检测金属铟离子研究了B-Z振荡体系中,振荡周期的变化率与加入金属铟离子浓度的关系,结果表明,铟离子的浓度在4.98×10-7-3.85×10-6mol L-1范围内时,周期的变化率与加入铟离子浓度有良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.9984,同时对组分的浓度、测定时的温度、以及反应机理进行了探讨。第三部分利用B-Z振荡体系测定金属镉离子本文研究了金属镉离子对B-Z振荡体系的扰动作用,优化了利用该体系测定水溶液中镉离子的条件,考察了振荡周期的变化率与加入金属镉离子浓度的关系。结果表明,铟离子的浓度在1×10-6 to 4.25×10-6 mol L-1范围内时,周期的变化率与加入铟离子浓度有良好的线性关系,检测限为2.5×107 mol L-1,相关系数为0.9992。第四部分巴比妥参与的正辛醇-SDS油水体系中的电位振荡本文研究了以十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)+乙醇/含巴比妥的正辛醇/氯化钠溶液构成的液膜振荡体系。观察到各组分浓度不同时,体系的电位振荡行为不同。并对膜电位的振荡机理进行了初步探讨。

【Abstract】 The phenomena of non-equilibrium and non-linear has been widely in the nature, as one of which, the oscillating chemical reactions have become of great interest of scientific research gradually, because of their exotic behavior and unusual mechanisms. In particular, the research of classical oscillating chemical reactions and liquid membrane oscillations were not limited to pure theoretical studies any more, but used in the application of analytical determination. This work studied the kinetic determination of Indium ion and Cadmium ion based on the B-Z oscillating chemical system, and a kind of liquid membrane oscillating system.The main content includes four parts:Part I Oscillating chemical reactions and their application in the analytical chemistryThis literature review provides a brief introduction to the development of the oscillating chemical reactions. Some oscillating chemical reactions, theoretical model, thermodynamic parameters and their applications are described in detail. The perspective of oscillating chemical reactions is discussed.Part II Kinetic Determination of Indium Ion Based on the B-Z Oscillating Chemical System in Aqueous SolutionThe present paper deals with the application of cerium-catalyzed B-Z oscillating chemical system to the determination of indium ion in aqueous solution based on its linear perturbation on the oscillating period. Results showed that the change in the oscillating period is linearly proportional to the concentration of indium ion in the range from 4.98×10-7 to 3.85×10-6 M, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9984 and a detection limit of 4.96×10-7 M under the optimum conditions. Various influencing factors on the determination were also examined and the determination mechanism was discussed.Part III Kinetic Determination of Cadmium Ion by B-Z Oscillating Chemical System in Aqueous SolutionIn this investigation, a new analytical method for the determination of Cadmium ion in aqueous solution based on its perturbation on the B-Z oscillating chemical system was proposed. The method depends on the relationship between the change in the oscillating period of the reaction system and the concentration of cadmium ion in the range of 1×10-6 to 4.25×10-6 M, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9992 and a detection limit of 2.5×10-7 M under the optimum conditions. Various influencing factors on the determination were examined and the reaction mechanism was discussed.Part IV Electrical potential oscillation in an anionic surfactant system with barbitone in octanol as an oil phaseStudies were made on oscillations across a liquid membrane consisting of an oil layer, octanol containing barbitone, between two aqueous layers: that on the left containing 8 mM SDS with alcohol and that on the right containing 0.1M NaCl. The effects of various concentrations of chemical compounds in this system on the patterns of electrical oscillation were examined. The oscillations may be explained by the mechanism of repetitive formation and destruction of monolayer structures of the dodecyl sulfate anion at the interface between the organic and the aqueous phases, with the effect of proton penetration. The study in potential oscillation across the membrane containing a drug provides the possibility of further investigations in pharmacological activity.

  • 【分类号】O651
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】367

