

Walking in the Dark

【作者】 魏艳

【导师】 张明廉;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 二十世纪初,当“现代”以破竹之势闯入中国的最初时刻,作为“先锋”的文学首先冲破了束缚,登上了“现代”的舞台。在这些纷繁的文学创作中,本文关注的是一代知识者对自我形象的展现和塑造。本文试图从郭沫若、郁达夫、鲁迅三位当时具有文化代表性的作家入手,探寻他们笔下形态各异的自我形象。在彼此与内在的相互差异之中,以期发现他们作为特殊时代孕育的知识者角色,与传统、现代的冲突和离合,发现他们不同于传统文人身上的某种文化特质;发现他们营造的自我空间里坚守和隐藏着的一种摧毁与重建的“承担意识”;发现他们对于“现代人”含义的体认和对理想模式的期待与追求。论文共分五部分。导言以启蒙和“立人”为时代背景,提出五四至二十世纪20年代末文学创作中自我形象的塑造是这一代知识者对于“现代人”的自我体认。第二部分围绕郭沫若在第一个十年中的主要小说和诗歌创作,探讨作家在文学世界中找寻自我的过程——他不但袒露了一个负罪忏悔充满感性的“我”,也实践了一个张扬叛逆的“我”。此后,又赋予了“我”以“群性意识”,让“我”扎根于“大众”的土地之上。第三部分则是以郁达夫第一个十年的自传体小说创作为中心。作家将自己赤裸的现实心境毫无保留,巧妙化入了他所建构的“现代人”之中,记录了一代知识者对于“现代”的认识与感触,勾勒出了一个正在不断发展、自我完善的“现代人”成长的艰辛与苦闷。第四部分关注的是鲁迅这一时期小说和散文创作。在鲁迅笔下,这个诞生于“现代前夜”的“我”常常陷入一种复杂的性情之中——尴尬、复仇以及怀疑的希望或许成为“我”有可能寻找“新生”的某种精神契机;坚守的绝望则是作家用个体生命体验,在自觉地建构“现代人”的艰难过程中,唯一获得的生命品质。最后,在中国现代文学发生的第一个十年中,虽然一代知识者的努力并未给当时的中国提供一个相对明确的指向。然而,他们却真诚地表明了自身的一种执著的姿态,这也为后来者的发展和前进提供了一笔难得的思想资源,对考察中国现代知识者于时代、历史的价值有着重大的意义。

【Abstract】 When the modern broke into china, literature as the pioneer broke through the ties and mounted on the modern stage at the turn of the 20th Century. Then we will pay close attention to the self-image that was portrayed by intellectuals in many literary works. We will try to research different self-image from Guo Moruo’s, Yu Dafu’s and Lu Xun’s works. In the differences, we hope to find their conflicting between the tradition and modern, and find their some culture trait that different from traditional scholars, and find their assuming consciousness of destruction and reconstruction from their own space, and find their cognizes of modernist and their expectation to future.There are five sections in the paper.Against the background of enlightenment and constructing individuality, the preface put forward that self-image is the cognizes of modernist by intellectuals in the 1920s’.In the second section, it centers on Guo Moruo’s novels and poems in the first ten-year, and seek a process of self-finding in his literary world. Not only did he show an incriminatory, penitential and perceptual ’I’, he showed an imperious and rebellious ’I’ And then he gave I the group consciousness and made ’I’ entrench itself in public.In the third section, it centers on Yu Dafu’s autobiographical novels in the first ten-year. The author let his real mind join the modernist that he constructed. And then it records intellectuals’ cognizes of modern and a process of modernist’s development.In the forth section, it focuses our attention on Lu Xun’s novels and prose during this period. In his works,’I’ that was born in the evening before the modern always fell into a complex situation. Embarrassment, revenge and wishes maybe become a turning point that ’I’ find newborn. In the conscious process of the construction of modernist, the desperation he held is the only vital quality that he obtained.Although intellectuals’ efforts didn’t bring about some clear point, they showed intellectuals’ own obsessions in the first ten-year of modern literature. At the same time, it provided some rare idealistic resources. And it’s very important that we can find modern intellectuals’ significance and value from it.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【下载频次】97

