

Study on the Mechanism Monitoring and Forecasting for Karst Collapse in Tai’an City

【作者】 王明媚

【导师】 东野光亮;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 岩溶地面塌陷是近代出现的岩溶地质学的分支学科,是一种地质灾害。随着国民经济的发展,世界各国对岩溶区资源开发日益加强,由此诱发的岩溶塌陷也日益频繁,成为岩溶区主要环境地质灾害。据不完全统计,全球已有十六个国家存在严重的塌陷问题。岩溶塌陷往往是突然发生的,事前一般没有明显的征兆,因此很难准确预测岩溶塌陷发生的地点和时间。但是,根据当地的岩溶发育程度,则可以通过详细的工程地质调查,来评价岩溶塌陷发生的可能性大小,即岩溶塌陷的稳定性,寻找潜伏的岩溶洞穴,作为防治塌陷及制订工程建设规划的依据。2003年山东省泰安市泰山区东羊楼村东北800m处,产生巨大的岩溶地面塌陷:在即将成熟的麦田中出现一椭圆形塌陷坑,长轴近东西向,长35m ;短轴近南北向,长27m,深24m(由地面到岩溶水面),是山东省目前为止最大的岩溶塌陷。泰安市岩溶塌陷是我国北方地区较早发生岩溶塌陷的地区之一。多年来,随着对地下水开采量的逐渐增加,岩溶塌陷随之加剧。本文分析了山东省泰安市岩溶地面塌陷的形成历史及现状,从地下水动态及地质环境监测结果入手,研究得出塌陷主要分布在松散层较薄的第四系覆盖区,发生时间主要集中于枯水年份或年内枯水期和丰水期初。塌陷的产生与发展规模受溶洞、土层和水等多种因素的综合影响,但过量开采地下水导致地下水动力条件急剧改变或水位大幅度下降是造成塌陷形成的主导因素;进一步讨论了泰安市岩溶塌陷的形成机理,在此基础之上对泰安市岩溶塌陷的监测预报及对土地资源管理利用的影响进行了研究,并根据当地的防治实践,提出了岩溶塌陷防治的对策建议。在研究方法上,利用物探方法确定隐伏地质构造及地层界限位置和产状,推断出岩溶发育的空间位置及分布状况,了解地层的稳定性;利用钻探工作验证地层岩性构造及岩溶发育状况,分析区内岩土体力学指标与物探解释成果互为补充。在确定岩溶塌陷形成机理的基础上,在本文的第五、六部分,根据

【Abstract】 Karst collapse is one of the covered karst geologies at present. And it also is a kind of the disaster. With the development of country economy, all of the country explore the resource of covered karst stronger and stronger and which caused many karst collapses. According to incomplete statistic, there are sixteen countries who have serious problems about karst collapse.Karst collapse occurs suddenly and it has no evident symptom in advance. So it is difficult to forecast the karst collapse’s time and place.On the other hand, we can evaluate the possibility of karst collapse by surveying the enigeering geology particularly. In other words, prevention and drawing building’s layout decide by the stability of karst collapse.There’s a large karst collapse in 2003 in yanglou Tai’an area ,Shandong Province and there is a big elipse karst delve on the point of the comfield. This delve has 35 meters length and 27 meters width and 24 meters depth, so it is the biggest karst collapse in Shandong Province at present. Tai’an city is one of the area in which karst collapse earlier occurred in China. For many years, as the rising of taking of underground water, the karst collapse has become more serious.This paper sums up present and history karst collapse in Tai’an, Shandong Province. It mainly spreads in the Quaternary system cover areas where the looser layers are thinner, underlying open karst caves and cracks are under the Quaternary system. The collapse mainly occurs in the low-water years or during the beginning of the dry season and rain season in a year. The formation and developing scales of the collapse are affected by many factors, such as karst caves, sola and water,etc. However, the taking of the underground water which causes the hydrodynamic conditions changed and the water level highly descended is a leading factor for the karst collapse.The mechanism of karst collapse is discussed based on long-term monitoring results of groundwater level and geological environment. At last

  • 【分类号】P642.26
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】545

