Study on Main Biology and Adult Artificial Diet of Calosoma Maximoviczi Morawitz
【作者】 杨广海;
【导师】 孙绪艮;
【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林保护, 2006, 硕士
【摘要】 黑广肩步甲Calosoma maximoviczi Morawitz属于鞘翅目Coleoptera,步甲科Carabidae,星步甲属Calosoma Web。分布于朝鲜、日本、苏联远东地区和我国大部分地区。捕食多种鳞翅目幼虫,在无鳞翅目幼虫的场合可捕食金龟甲总科(Scarabaeoidea)、蝇科(Muscidae)等某些种类的幼虫。环境适应性强,分布范围广,资源丰富,具有重要的利用价值。本试验对其主要生物学特性、成虫人工饲料进行了研究,结果摘要如下:1黑广肩步甲的主要生物学特性研究黑广肩步甲在山东地区,一年发生1代,以成虫在土壤中越冬。成虫在5月中旬至10月上旬发生,6月初开始产卵,卵的发育起点温度为14.66±0.5℃,有效积温为41.7±20.85日·度,在25℃下卵期平均为3.69±0.25d;幼虫共3龄,历期分别为3d~5d、3d~5d、4d~5d;平均气温25℃下,预蛹期约为8d~14d,蛹期为10d~15d,在气温稍低时蛹期可延长1d~15d。成、幼虫以多种鳞翅目幼虫为食。触角在黑广肩步甲成虫寻找猎物过程中起主要作用,视觉起次要作用,而下颚和下颚须、下唇和下唇须可能具有一定的嗅觉功能,对于寻找猎物起辅助作用。2黑广肩步甲成虫人工饲料研究分别研制了9种成虫人工饲料,以此饲喂黑广肩步甲成虫,结果表明,饲料Ⅲ是室内饲养黑广肩步甲成虫的最佳饲料。(1)人工饲料物理性状的选择糊状饲料较其它形态饲料为最好。(2)不同配方饲料对黑广肩步甲单头日均取食量的影响黑广肩步甲成虫对饲料Ⅲ的单头日均取食量最大(1.34g),但明显低于对3、4龄家蚕的单头日均取食量(2.34g)。(3)不同配方饲料对黑广肩步甲产卵率、平均单雌产卵量的影响用饲料Ⅲ、Ⅵ、IX饲养的黑广肩步甲,其雌虫产卵率分别为53.3%、46.7%、46.7%,平均单雌产卵量分别为60、44、44.6粒,均明显高于其
【Abstract】 Calosoma maximoviczi Morawitz belongs to Calosoma Web, Carabidae, Coleoptrra. The beetle distributes in Korea, Japan, far east area of Russia and most places in our country. It mainly preys on many kinds of Lepidoptera larvae and other farming and forestry pests, such as the larvae of scarabaeoidea and Muscidae etc. It is very useful because of its good adaptability, wide distribution, and resourceful abundance. In this paper, biology and adult artificial diet were studied under the condition of laboratry and field. The results as follows:1 Main biologyIt occoured one genetation per year in Shandong province and overwintered as adult in soil. Adult beetle emerged from mid-May to the first ten days of October, and oviposited in early June. The developmental threshold temperature of egg was 14.66±0.5℃, and its effective accumulated temperature was 41.7±20.85 degree-day. At 25℃, eggs hatched after 3.69±0.25 days, the nymph had three instars, the 1st instar stage was 3~5 days, 2nd instar 3~5days, and 3rd instar 4~5 days; The prepupal stage lasted 8~14 days and the pupal stage lasted 10~15 days at 25℃. Adults and larva preyed on many kinds of Lepidoptera larvae. Antennas played the most important role in seaching prey, and compound eyes played the secondary importance. Besides, seaching prey may be assisted by maxillary and maxillary palpi, labial and labial palpi which maybe have some olfaction fuction.2 Study on adult artificial diets9 kinds of artificial diets were designed, among them dietⅢwas the best one, and the results as follows:(1) Selection of physical property of artificial dietMushy diet was the best.
【Key words】 Calosoma maximoviczi Morawitz; Main biology; Artificial diet; Oviposition; Developmental threshold temperature; Effective accumulated temperature;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 山东农业大学 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
- 【分类号】S476.2
- 【被引频次】4
- 【下载频次】129