

The Efficiency Monitoring and Evaluation of Ecological Rehabilitation Project of Soil and Water Conservation in Shandong Province

【作者】 邢先双

【导师】 刘霞;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在遥感定期宏观调查的基础上,开展微观定点连续监测,建立了径流小区和固定、半固定标准地,同时结合研究区内已有的水文、泥沙观测资料,对研究区内水土保持生态修复过程中植物群落变化、林草生长量变化、土壤性状变化、水土流失面积及流失状况变化、社会经济状况变化等方面进行监测研究。结果表明生态修复工程取得了明显的生态、经济和社会效益。主要结论如下: (1) 提出了研究区适宜的水土保持生态修复模式和区域配置模式。将生态修复试点工程区内的生态修复技术模式划分为2个大类(封山育林型和退耕还林型)和6个亚类(有林地封禁型、疏林补植型、荒坡封禁型、荒坡造林型、缓坡梯田封育型和陡坡梯田封禁型)。 (2) 构建了适宜于山东省生态修复工程效益监测与评价的指标体系。密切结合研究区自然社会经济特点,从生态效益、经济效益和社会效益三个方面,采用指标因子筛选的专家咨询法,构建水土保持生态修复监测指标体系。 (3) 基于3S技术,构建了水土保持生态修复动态监测数据库,实现了研究区三维可视化。以Region Manager为技术平台,以TM和SPOT融合影像为遥感信息源,对研究区实施生态修复前后状况进行监测,创建了基于水土流失、土地利用及植被状况的动态监测数据库,实现了研究区三维动态可视化。 (4) 定量评价了研究区及不同生态修复模式生态、经济与社会效益;阐明了生态修复效益多种性能指标的动态变化。 ①研究区林草覆盖度明显提高,植物群落盖度(郁闭度)增加。林草覆盖度由修复前的42.7%增长到修复后的51.5%,增长幅度为8.8%。有林地(天然林或人工林)各植物群落乔灌草平均盖度为0.86,明显高于其它类型:从疏林补植、荒坡造林和荒坡封禁三种封山育林措施看,以荒坡造林和疏林补植后植物群落盖度的提高幅度较大(乔灌草平均提高

【Abstract】 The research developed microcosmic pointing continuous monitoring basing on stated macroscopical investigation of RS,it built small flow section ,fixed and unfixed standard plot, it had monitoring and research on the change of vegetation communities ,growth mount of forest and grassland, soil character ,soil and water erosion area and erosion status and the social economic status at the same time integrating the hydrology ,sedimentation observation data of item region .The result indicated that the ecological rehabilitation project of soil and water conservation had got obvious ecological, economic and social efficiency. The main results are as flowing:(1) It had put forward reasonable ecological rehabilitation and area collocating pattern, the ecological rehabilitation project of soil and water conservation pattern had been classified two big types (hillclosing afforestation and reducing cultivated land to planting forest )and six sub-types(forest closing, supplement planting of sparse forest, the uncultivated land closing, uncultivated land afforestation ,the terrace afforestation of gentle slope and the terrace closing of steep slope).(2) It had built index system of efficiency monitoring and evaluating which is reasonable to the ecological rehabilitation project of soil and water conservation of Shandong province. Integrating with the nature, society and economic character consanguineously, adopting the expert consultation

  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】487

