

Study on the Histology and Immunohistochemistry of Laiwu Black Goat’s Pineal Gland and Hypothalamus

【作者】 王凌燕

【导师】 王树迎;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 莱芜黑山羊是山东省地方优良山羊品种,属肉、绒、毛、皮兼用型。其主要生产性能优于其它山羊品种,肉质较好,产绒量较高,并且非常适宜山区放牧饲养。雌性莱芜黑山羊性成熟一般在4-5月龄。初配年龄一般在10月龄。母羊发情周期为15-20天,季节性发情。妊娠期一般为150天左右,一般一年1胎,繁殖率较为低下。为提高莱芜黑山羊的繁殖性能,需要了解受季节因素影响较大的松果体变化,并掌握四季松果体形态结构与繁殖行为的关系。促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)为下丘脑中GnRH神经元所分泌,它在生殖内分泌中占中心地位。为从形态学的角度探讨GnRH在山羊生殖调控中的作用,可运用免疫组织化学SABC方法对下丘脑中GnRH阳性物质的分布进行研究,为进一步研究莱芜黑山羊的生殖生理提供形态学资料。实验一莱芜黑山羊松果体四季的免疫组织化学比较应用5-羟色胺(5-HT)免疫组织化学染色法,对春夏秋冬的莱芜黑山羊松果体进行观察,比较四个季节松果体功能的不同。结果显示:(1)松果体内存在大量5-HT阳性的松果体细胞及纤维。(2)四季之间比较:夏季与春、秋季比较,松果体细胞面积较少(P<0.05),并明显小于冬季(P<0.01)。秋季松果体细胞面积与春季无明显差异(P>0.05)。冬季莱芜黑山羊松果体细胞面积明显增大(P<0.01),明显大于其它三个季节。但平均光密度在四个季节之间无明显差异(P>0.05)。就整个松果体中5-HT阳性物质所占的面积比而言,春秋季阳性面积比相差不大(P>0.05),除此之外任两季节相比均为差异极显著(P<0.01)。表明莱芜黑山羊松果体的功能活动呈现季节性变化,并与该羊的繁殖活动关系密切。实验二莱芜黑山羊松果体四季的超微结构比较透射电镜观察莱芜黑山羊松果体的超微结构,结果发现:松果体细胞有明细胞和暗细胞之分,明暗细胞的超微结构组成基本相似,但光吸收度明显不同(P<0.01)。细胞核多呈椭圆形或不规则形,直径平均为6.5278

【Abstract】 Laiwu Black Goat is the superordinary endemic breed of Shandong province. It has extensive purpose such as meat,velvet,feather and leather. Its main production function surpasses other goat specieses, the meat quality is better, the amount of velvet is higher, furthermore,it is accommodate the grazing condition of mountain area.The sexual maturation of Laiwu Black Goat is approximately 4-5 mouth. Its initial mating is approximately 10 mouth. the oestrus cycle is approximately 15-20 days. In order to raise reproductive ability,we should know the change of pineal gland,and the relation of structure and reproductive.GnRH neuron in hypothalamus can secrete GnRH,which is very important in genito- endocrine. Apply SABC method to research to the distribution of the gonadotroph cell and positive material in the ovary, provide the morphology materials for reproduction and physiology.TEST 1 Immunohistochemical Comparison of the Laiwu Black Goats Pineal Body Functional Status in four seasons Laiwu Black Goat’s pineal bodies from four seasons are investigated by immunohistochemical SABC method.The results are as follows:⑴A great number of 5-HT-containing cells and fibers are observed in the pineal body.⑵when the four seasons are compared:the area of pinealocyte and rate of 5-HT-containing area in winter are obviously higher than other seasons (P<0.01)).Summer is lower than other seasons.Spring and autumn are almost the same(P>0.05) .The OD value of the four seasons was almost the same(P>0.05). As a result, the functional status of Laiwu Black Goat’s pineal body changes with the season ,which has intimate relation with goat breeding activity.TEST 2 Comparison of the Laiwu Black Goats Pineal Body ultrastructure in four seasons Observe Laiwu Black Goats pineal body ultrastructure by TEM, The

【关键词】 莱芜黑山羊松果体下丘脑
【Key words】 Laiwu Black Goatpineal glandhypothalamus
  • 【分类号】S827;S852.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】81

