

A Sociolinguistic Study on Wulitou in Zhou Xing’s Films

【作者】 赵金桂

【导师】 李悦娥;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 综合近年来国内外学者从社会语言学的角度对语言的研究来看,绝大多数研究者的研究多集中于常规语言的研究。而现实中非常规语言也确实存在。对非常规语言的研究同样也可以丰富我们的研究成果,而且这种变异性的语言能更多地揭示各种社会因素对语言的密切影响。无厘头语言就是一种非常规性的语言,它是指文化上对一些中国文化传统加以解构的,心理上表现为反英雄主义的,非理性反常规的语言。本文对无厘头的研究只集中于周星驰电影中的对白。本研究从社会语言学的观点出发,旨在研究周星驰电影中无厘头语言的原型形偏离模式,分析无厘头语言产生和流行的原因并且探讨无厘头语言所产生的特殊语言效果及其可能导致的负面后果。本研究收集了周星驰电影中较具影响的一些电影作品总的对白作为语料对无厘头语言进行定性分析。 在分析无厘头语言的原型偏离模式时,本文以Eleanor Rosch在二十世纪七十年代提出的原型理论为框架,结合原型受文化社会因素及语境因素制约的特点归纳了无厘头语言原型偏离的六种模式:偏离社会角色原型、偏离经典原型、偏离一般原型、偏离社会规约原型、偏离语域原型和偏离思维模式原型。 无厘头语言的产生和流行的现象后面潜藏着多种社会因素的作用。本文发现无厘头语言的产生主要源于香港特殊的政治文化背景、后现代主义思潮的影响及大众文化的广泛传播。而无厘头在青少年中流行的原因是由于青少年特定的心理特点和成长背景以及青少年面临的问题和无厘头所宣扬的轻松简单的成功模式等各种因素的综合影响。 人们对无厘头语言的评价褒贬不一。如何客观地评价无厘头也是本文需要回答的问题。本文简要地探讨无厘头语言的魅力和不足。无厘头语言的成功之处在于它能传递丰富的社会意义,达到有效的交际效果,比如避免面子受损、传达细腻的情感和富有哲理性等。所以无

【Abstract】 If we look closely at all the researches which are done by researchers abroad and at home from a sociolinguistic perspective, most of researches concentrate on conventional linguistic phenomena. However, unconventional linguistic behaviors do really exist in reality. The study on unconventional linguistic behaviors can also enrich our researches, too. Furthermore, those irregular or unconventional linguistic variations can reveal the close impact of a variety of social factors. Wulitou(hereafter WLT) is one of those conventional linguistic behaviors. WLT refers to a particular language phenomenon existent in the films starring Zhou Xingchi which is characterized by the deconstruction of some Chinese traditions culturally, the propaganda of anti-heroism psychologically, irrational and nonstandard thoughts logically. It is quite popular with some people and imitated by them. So it is quite necessary to conduct some research on WLT. This thesis only focuses on WLT in Zhou Xingchi’s films. Starting from a sociolinguistic approach, the research aims to investigate the patterns of prototypical deviations in WLT and analyze the reasons for WLT’s emergence and popularity and discuss special communicative effects as well as its weaknesses. This thesis uses the dialogues from some influential films of Zhou Xingchi as data tomake a qualitative study of WLT.As far as WLT’s prototypical deviation patterns are concerned, Prototype Theory developed by Eleanor Rosch in the 1970s is adopted as theoretical framework. Combined with the fact that prototype is shaped by social and cultural factors and dependent on context, this thesis summarizes six prototypical deviation patterns. They are social role prototype deviation, classic prototype deviation, general prototype deviation, social convention prototype deviation, register prototype deviation and thought pattern prototype deviation.Various social factors underlie WLT’s existence and popularity. This thesis finds that the reasons for WLT’s existence derive from special cultural characteristics and political background, post modernism’s influence and broad transmission of mass culture. And the reasons for WLT’s popularity with youngsters include peculiar psychological feature, their specific birth and growth background, their troubles, and easy success pattern propagated by WLT filmsNow people have different evaluations on WLT. How to evaluate WLT objectively is also a question to answer. This research makes a brief summary of WLT’s charms and weak points. As regards WLT’s charms, WLT can express rich social meanings and produce effective communicative effects such as preventing face from being threatened, expressing subtle emotions and being sagacious. Thus WLT is not as badas some people criticize and not as perfect as some youngsters say. Whether WLT can finally be accepted by the society still needs some time to test.

【关键词】 无厘头原型后现代主义
【Key words】 Wulitouprototypepost modernism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】J905;H0
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1001

