

Study on Tying Arrangement Legal Problem

【作者】 杨万丽

【导师】 李冰;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 对搭售行为的规制是竞争法上的一个重要议题。搭售作为企业滥用支配地位行为的一种,不仅会产生提高进入障碍、排除其他竞争者、转变市场结构等破坏竞争秩序的副作用,还会损害购买者的合法权益,剥夺其选择自由权。不过,搭售行为确有其存在的合理性,因此各国竞争法也没有对其予以全面禁止。当前,我国正处于转型时期,搭售的表现形式较以前更加复杂和多样,更多的消费者和企业受到搭售问题的影响,这对我国《反不正当竞争法》中有关搭售的有限规定提出了挑战。因此,研究和分析搭售行为对完善我国竞争法在此方面的规定有着重大的理论和实践意义。 本文通过历史研究的方法和辩证分析的方法,从法律的角度出发并辅之以其在经济方面的评价,对搭售行为进行全面考察,介绍了美国及欧盟规制此行为的立法及实践,并借鉴相关有益经验,探讨我国《反不正当竞争法》规制搭售行为的现状与不足,同时针对我国现存的不足提出了如何完善的建议。 全文共分四部分。第一部分从经济和法律的角度对搭售行为进行了法理分析,为我们理解和规制搭售行为提供了理论依据。第二部分分析评价了国外规制搭售行为的立法及实践,为完善我国有关方面的法律规定提供了一个重要的参照。第三部分从我国对搭售行为规制的现状出发,提出了我国《反不正当竞争法》规制搭售行为存在的不足。并在最后一部分从立法与执法等方面提出了完善我国竞争法规制搭售行为的法律对策。 其中第一部分首先从该行为在经济方面的促进竞争和反竞争效果评价出发,然后从法律的角度明确搭售行为受竞争法规制的必要性,并在考察竞争法规制搭售行为的理论演进的基础上,分析判断搭售行为违法的主要标准,为我们了解此行为提供了较为全面的视角;第二部分介绍了美国反托拉斯法和欧盟的欧共体条约规制搭售行为的立法及实践,并分别加以分析和评价,以做为完善我国相关法律规定的参考;随后,探讨分析了我国《反不正当竞争法》规制搭售行为的相关条文以及我国现

【Abstract】 The regulation of tying arrangements has long been an important issue in competition law. As a action that abusing ascendancy, tying arrangements not only can bring side-effects such as heighten entry obstacle、 exclude other competitors 、 alter market structure, but also can harm the legal right of purchasers and deprive their choice freedom. However, the existence of tying arrangement sometimes is reasonable, and so it is not being entirely forbidden in each national competition law. China is now in the transition period, the form of tie-in is more complex and diverse than before, more consumers and businesses are impacted by the tie-in, which put forward the challenge to the limited provisions about tie-in of Chinese "Anti-unfair competition law". Therefore, studying and analysing tie-in have great theoretical and practical significance for improving tie-in provisions of Chinese competition law.All through history research methods and methods of dialectic arguments, provides a comprehensive inspection for undersanding tying arrangement from the legal perspective and by its economic assessment , draws the United States and the EU system and practices experience and explores the actuality and deficiencies of Chinese "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" regulating tying arrangement, and then makes suggestions to improve it.The paper consists of four parts. The first part is on tie-in jurisprudence analysis , which provids theory basis for our comprehending and regulating tie-in. Part II analyzes and evaluates system and practices of overseas regulating tie-in, for improving Chinese law provides an important reference. Part III starts from the legislative actuality and practices of Chinese "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" ruling tying arrangement and brings forward the deficiencies. Last part proposes legal countermeasures from the aspects of legislation and executive the law and so on to improve Chinese competition law regulating tie-in.Among these, the part I fistly starts from the positive and negative economic effects of tie-in, then clears the necessity which competition law rules tie-in, and on the basis of the envolvement of competition law regulating tie-in, analyses law-breaking judgement standards, which provide a more comprehensive perspective for our understanding tie-in;Part II separately introduces and evaluates the system and practices of the United States antitrust law and the EC Treaty regulating tie-in as a reference to improve Chinese relevent legal provision;Then, exploring and analysizing the correlative provisions of Chinese "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" and some cases in our life, in light of Chinese actuality and learn from relevant foreign experience, makes the existing inadequacy. Last, puts forward the legal countermeasures that improve our competition law to regulate tie-in, including explicit legal mode regulating tying arrangement, legislative suggesstions that perfect relevant legal provisions and establishing an independent law enforcement agencies and so on. Thereinto, the legislative suggesstions include perfect general provision and idiographic provisions which comprise clearing implementary main body^ establishing law-breaking judgement criterion ^ perfect corresponding legal liability etc.

【关键词】 搭售行为垄断反不正当竞争
【Key words】 tying arrangementmonopolyanti-unfair competition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】679

